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Member level 2
Dec 20, 2005
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i have a doubt in image processing...suppose i have a circle in my image and i don't know what is the centre or its radius and given the fact that the circle can be located anywhere, can u give me some kind of algorithm through which i can determine the circle and its radius....


I have an idea...don't know work or not.

You try to get 2 images with same background. Totally same background. 1 image with circle and another image without circle. Do substraction on the 2 images, then you can locate the circle and determine the radius.

Hope this can help you.

You can use edge detection technique to find out the circle. But i don't know how to find out the radius of the circle.

this is a famous problem and can be solved by using Hough Transform. use the paramater as Circle instead of the normal line finding algorithm.

If ur r in beginner stage then edge detection is easy otherwise u get a help from image toolbox of MATLAB

itsthetimetodisco said:
this is a famous problem and can be solved by using Hough Transform. use the paramater as Circle instead of the normal line finding algorithm.
yes, its a classic solution for this kind of problems.

this problem occurs often for medical imaging purposes, where for example, u need to find out certain cancerous cells in an image. surely there must be tons of papers on this topic.

Is it possible to discern the circle from the rest of the field? Is it a blob? Your question
comes under blob analysis. Can u send me a sample of the image u r working on?
Is the circle of a different color? Reply to these question ...may be i can help u.

You can use edge detection technique to find out the edges of the circle. Find the maximum difference between two edge co-ordinates of the circle. That will be the diameter. Then u can find the radius. I don’t know whether this will work or not.

Apply high pass filtering so that the edges get deteced.

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