Door entry detection and counting the entry and exit

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Hi all.
I am trying to make a door entry system to count the no. of person entering a room, exiting as well as have to take care of the late entry and early exit.
I considered use of two ir led and photo diode pairs. When detector d1 then d2 is activated the count will increase and if reverse it will decrease.

But using IR - Photo diode pair is not giving a result for its satisfactory operation.
As the gap between the LED and Diode is around 1.5 meter, so the voltage across photo diode is 17mv in full light and 6mv in no light.
I am not able to manage with this because its not going to drive any pin of microcontroller to 0 and 1.
Please reply as soon as u can.

I think the circuit you are talking about is visitor counter. Whenever I am simulating such a circuit, I normally use switches to provide the desired logic at any point in time knowing fully well that the IR transmitters and recievers are simple circuits and are working.

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