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Does solar panel and inverters present issue on health?

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Full Member level 4
Sep 21, 2016
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I read something about the EM radiation might present problem to health, is there any truth about this? I am putting in solar panels with batteries, I want to make sure it is safe.

Now a days, we have RF EM wave running all over, computers, WiFi transmitters of all kinds, everything is wireless with EM waves running all over the place, even the stupid mouse is wireless. What is the difference between all these and solar panels and inverters?



If you are sensitive about EB radiation, then you may expect problems.

The "problem" is that the inverter operates with a lot more power than a mouse.
And that the inverter introduces a lot of power (including noise) into the grid.
This does not necessarily mean, that the radiated energy is high or harmful.

My personal experience:
I work for a company producing silicon for semiconductors. The workers are about 40h/week in a building where more than 50 Megawatts of noisy electrical power is used. There also are HF heaters involved with maybe a Megawatt of HF power. The plant is active since the 1970ies. I never heard of any health problems. I by myself worked many hours in this building. Thus my idea: If you are not over sensitive you should not expect any problems.

The radiation of the sun is harmful. It could cause eye issues within seconds/ minutes, or sun burn. So you may use a solar panel to protect you from sun burn. You may stay more healthy with the solar panel, unless it falls on you .. ;-)


If you are sensitive about EB radiation, then you may expect problems.

The "problem" is that the inverter operates with a lot more power than a mouse.
And that the inverter introduces a lot of power (including noise) into the grid.
This does not necessarily mean, that the radiated energy is high or harmful.

My personal experience:
I work for a company producing silicon for semiconductors. The workers are about 40h/week in a building where more than 50 Megawatts of noisy electrical power is used. There also are HF heaters involved with maybe a Megawatt of HF power. The plant is active since the 1970ies. I never heard of any health problems. I by myself worked many hours in this building. Thus my idea: If you are not over sensitive you should not expect any problems.

The radiation of the sun is harmful. It could cause eye issues within seconds/ minutes, or sun burn. So you may use a solar panel to protect you from sun burn. You may stay more healthy with the solar panel, unless it falls on you .. ;-)

I tend to think some people are not for solar and write things to scare people off. I am in industry for decades also. I worked in HV environment with HV SMPS and all that. Nobody said anything, not that I know of anyone died prematurely.

Yes, I know those inverters are much higher power, but I am using the mouse, the laptop a lot closer, also Wifi on wireless internet all over the house is very common today. The inverters and panels are on the roof of the 2nd floor. During the day, we spend more time downstairs, so the distance is farther away.

I have till tomorrow to decide and finalize because that's the deadline to get into under NEM2. This is not marketing, I read the deadline from government. Some companies already reject my inquiry unless I am interested in NEM3 only. They are too busy to get customers into NEM2. I've be working day and night on this.


A great deal of research has been done on electromagnetic radiation and human safety. None of it has indicated any credible evidence of significant risk, or proposed any plausible theoretical mechanism for harm. That is, unless the exposure is so intense that it's literally causing burns (orders of magnitude beyond normal exposure, like if you somehow stuck your hand in a running microwave oven).

If you look hard enough, you'll find cranks who are convinced that something is killing us, or controlling our brains (vaccines, 5g, flourine, chemtrails, wind turbines, etc).

The primary hazard associated with PV/inverters is installation and maintenance, i.e. falling off the roof or shocking yourself. And proper disposal/recycling of equipment at end-of-life, from an environmental perspective. Those are real hazards worth being wary of. The radiation is not.

"Died prematurely" ... most people eat unhealthy food, and drive cars .... this is more likely to die prematurely. ;-)

If you compare the risk ... you should rather chose the solar panels.

I liken this discussion to the Airplane Industry emissions into the atmosphere of a
billion tons/year CO2, but lets keep building more airplanes, bigger airplanes, faster
airplanes.......And stat wise we dont measure all emission elements. And lets focus
on lost luggage as primary problem.

But its all OK !

We know energetic particles break chromosomes. But its OK !

We know semiconductor manufacture is clean as a whistle, just kidding. I remember
an event in 70's where a tanker truck full of acid for a semi manufacturer was shown
not to meet spec, so the several thousand gallons of the stuff was dumped into a
storm drain in xxxxxxxx.......But its OK !

My bet is on ants surviving the long haul, least of all humans.

80 years of PFAS dumped into our living environment and bodies, oh ya wait until
that comes home to roost. ANTS WINNING !

Now I have to get back to designing the next land fill product for disposal, another
major contribution to Entropy explosion.

Regards, Dana.
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Just a little comic relief and reality reminding us of human limitations.

The positive rantnot reported on a fact or two for consumption, after all
energetic particles are created not just by collision's but fields as we know. we really know, with studies a pinprick in time, of long term
effects holding ,microwave transmitters up to our heads for extended periods
of time ? I would posit absolutely not. Or consequences of a billion tons of
emissions out of airplanes? Of stuff we cant breath in a closed environment ?

But lets keep trying to see if the ants (168 Million years in existence) are
going to cash in....while us humans (200K to 300K in existence) just babes in
the woods.

Regards, Dana.

Just a little comic relief and reality reminding us of human limitations.

The positive rantnot reported on a fact or two for consumption, after all
energetic particles are created not just by collision's but fields as we know. we really know, with studies a pinprick in time, of long term
effects holding ,microwave transmitters up to our heads for extended periods
of time ? I would posit absolutely not. Or consequences of a billion tons of
emissions out of airplanes? Of stuff we cant breath in a closed environment ?

But lets keep trying to see if the ants (168 Million years in existence) are
going to cash in....while us humans (200K to 300K in existence) just babes in
the woods.

Regards, Dana.
I am a simple person, no idea what exactly you are trying to say. Forget ants, just simple, whether solar panels and inverter present health issue?

Solar panels are DC and do not emit electromagnetic

Inverters are active electronic devices and should have
FCC compliance as to radiated emissions. Their emissions
should be sub-MHz (maybe some pure sine Class D types
have chop approaching hundreds of kHz and a bit of >MHz
harmonics. Those should not escape the output and input
filters. Use an AM radio to "sniff" for tones and figure volume
is power, so if it sounds as loud (at distance=X) then you're
absorbing the same power as you do from a hell-and-gone
AM station.

Output wire should be harmonic-free (sine wave), harmonic-
light (MSW) or have a 1/N series of odd harmonics (square wave)
beginning at 60Hz. None of that will be significant health-wise
and you sit in a nest of it all day, right?

Now, a company I worked for was big into WiFi in the early
days and had copper cages in one of the labs. I walked into
one and shut the Faraday door, and noticed that a sort of
"ringing in my ears" that I was used to, went dead silent.
Just from the ambient wireball (network and power) all
throughout the building and whatever it was throwing off.
The walls were Cu screen and audio was not attenuated.
It had to be intra-cranial.

No observable effects however, in the 18 years or so I
was there.
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