[PIC] Do I burn MRF49XA with PICKIT2?

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Advanced Member level 4
Apr 3, 2016
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I am not really good at reading datasheet, nor at reading Russian sheets..
I have found guide:
There are screenshots of PICKIT2....
And my question is...
Do I need to program MRF49XA EEPROM (?) to get it working somehow???
Or I just burn PIN16F628A with hex provided there and it works just with them?
Does anyone here speak Russian?
Thanks in advance!

No, only flash your pic and that's all.
I can help you with russian.
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That's great! Well..
I have such questions:
1. How exacly create those inductors? I see it's 6 turns but I'm not sure about the rest.
2. So I just burn the PIC16s and that's all?
3. So the MRX circuitry of receiver and transmitter is the same?
4. Does distance from PIC16 to MRX matters? Because I'd like to create a separate PCB for MRX and separate for PIC16
5. What is doing that single LED in transmitter?
Thanks in advance!

1. 6 turns for 11Mhz cristal and 5 turns with 10MHz cristal
2. Yes. All settings can be adjusted by editing EEPROM content:
80 1F - ( bandwith 4хх MHz ) - Config RG
AC 80 - ( freqency 438 MHz ) - Freg Setting RG
98 F0 - ( Maximum output power , freq.deviation 240 kHz ) - Tx Config RG
C4 00 - ( AAGC off ) - AFG RG
82 39 - ( TX on ) - Pow Management RG .
3. Don't forget to follow the coils aligment
4. Not really matter. It is SPI interface. Till 1m should work.
5. Just an activity led. Should glow when button is pressed.

"1. 6 turns for 11Mhz cristal and 5 turns with 10MHz cristal"
Are you sure? I tought it's 6 turns for 10 MHz crystal, I have never seen a 11MHz crystal.
Is the orientation of the coils the same in both receiver and transmitter?

You better copy orientation from original pictures.
Yes, you are right. 11MHz - 5 turns, 10MHz - 6 turns. Sorry. His russian hard to understand even if it is my language also))))
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Well, is there any activity LED in the receiver as well?
I plan to make a separate PIC16Fs board, test them, and then make MRX boards.
Does the size of coil wire matter? What siez of wire should I use?

Yes, the diameter and wire also important. But I didn't found any information related to this in his topic.
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On schematic there is something "6" with russian text, what does it say?

Damn, you absolulty right again, sorry. It says 6 turns, 0.4 thin, 2mm diameter coil.
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