Difficult PCB layout question !!!

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Jun 17, 2002
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Dear all,

(Mod/min please forgive me if this is posted in a wrong place, really do not know where to post this topic !)

Which SOFTWARE do I have to use to put 2D CAD-data files (2D-DXF, GERBER) of different devices in one single board ???

I have searched and asked everywhere but still failed to find a answer !!!!

Is there any GURU in here can give me a hint ?????

I am very close to my deadline .. Please reply if you know the answer,

I would greatly appreciate to those take time to reply and give me a helping hand

Thanks in advance,

pcb layout how difficult


what you ask for is a matter of pcb postprocess rather than pcb layout to my opinion. I'm using Graphicode GC-PrevuePlus for this purpose. But unfortunately it isn't a free tool. There may me other tools available for free, also some layout editors (pcb cad tools) can read in dxf and gerber, I think.

If you are able to convert gerber to dxf, you can do the data manipulation with a general purpose cad tool. But you probably want to have also gerber output, probably not possible then.


dxf pcb layout instructions

Hi FvM,

Thank you for your quick reply,
I appreciate that very much,

Sorry that I described the problem not clear, so please let me describe it in more details, For example:
- I have (2D-DXF) files of device A and device B
- each device has 3 layers
- I want to put 5 of same device A and 5 of same device B in the same board

The problem I got stuck is the alignment of the same device in different layer .
.... Thank you for this tip: I will try to get an trial-version of this software,
FvM said:
If you are able to convert gerber to dxf, you can do the data manipulation with a general purpose cad tool. But you probably want to have also gerber output, probably not possible then.
I have 2D-DXF files ( layer by layer) of seperated devices
Please hint me a bit more specific --- do you mean autocad or so ?????

can I use AutoCad (CadLite, ... etc) to do the vertical aligment of the devices ???

I would very apprecite to have some more advices from you

Any Guru out there , please stop by and give me a hand ...
Your help would greatly be appreciated


O. k. PCB step-and-repeat is exactly the purpose GC-PrevuePlus was made for. It has all features, that may be utilized by a developer in this regard. I did buy the tool just for this application.

I was referring to AutoCad or compatible applications, but it can't compare with a GC-PrevuePlus for pcb postprocess operations. It rather a "swiss knife" for special operations not available with other tools.


Thank FvM,

I will definitely try Autocad for handling the DXF,
and ofcourse that "swiss knife" too,

Thank very much for taking time to help
Your helps are greatly appreciated,

Best regards,
and have a nice weekend to you .

Yes Autocad will do it, also GC-Cam, GC-PLace, Powerstation or CAM350 etc, most of the PCB front end tools for PCB manufacturers will do this.
IF you can make instructions very clear you can even let your manufacturer do it for you.

Hi guru...cyberrat,

Thank you very much for stopping by and taking time to reply,
your help will be greatly appreciated,

I wil definitely try your suggestions ..,
and .. if I have problem I will come back to this thread

best regards

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