Newbie level 1

I am simulating the same circuit with Designer and ADS and am not finding the same S-parameters... The core of the model is a 112 ports S-matrix stored in a Touchstone file - the same file is used for both simulations of course, using the S112P_Diff component in ADS and the standard SnP with differential ports in Designer.
My circuit is quite complex and it's possible I messed the design in one of the software, I spent considerable time checking that both models are the same though. In general however, what could explain significant differences (i.e., > few percent) between S-parameter simulations with different software? The ports have to be read in the same order in the SnP file of course, but I am assuming that both Designer and ADS read Touchstone files the same way. What about the model that's used to fit the data - again I doubt it's a problem since I am only plotting the S-parameters on the data point, not in between, but we never know- ? What about issues of non-passivity, return path to ground etc...?
If anyone has experience with this and has suggestions on how to make both simulations agree, other than checking both models again and again - please let me know!
I am simulating the same circuit with Designer and ADS and am not finding the same S-parameters... The core of the model is a 112 ports S-matrix stored in a Touchstone file - the same file is used for both simulations of course, using the S112P_Diff component in ADS and the standard SnP with differential ports in Designer.
My circuit is quite complex and it's possible I messed the design in one of the software, I spent considerable time checking that both models are the same though. In general however, what could explain significant differences (i.e., > few percent) between S-parameter simulations with different software? The ports have to be read in the same order in the SnP file of course, but I am assuming that both Designer and ADS read Touchstone files the same way. What about the model that's used to fit the data - again I doubt it's a problem since I am only plotting the S-parameters on the data point, not in between, but we never know- ? What about issues of non-passivity, return path to ground etc...?
If anyone has experience with this and has suggestions on how to make both simulations agree, other than checking both models again and again - please let me know!