Difference between Capcaitor and inductor

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energy stored inductor

well , thier impedances are related in a reverse manner , meaning that by increasing frequency as impedance of a inductor will increase the impedance of the capacitor will decrease..!

inductor works

Zc=1/sC, Zl=sL
there is 180 degree between them

diff between inductor and capacitor

energy of an inductor = 1/2Li*i
here L = f(1/µ)
and energy of capacitor = 0.5 Cv*v
here c= f(ε)
so energy of magntic field atleast 100 times higher than capacitive energy for same v and I..

difference between inductors and capacitor

capacitor stores energy in electric field, while inductor in magnetic field

hughe inductors

capacitor stores energy as charge and inductor as magnetic field...capacitor behaves short circuit at t=0 to a volt source and inductor as open circuit at t=0 to volt source

inductors store energy in magnetic field

in capcitor voltage leads,whiel in inductor current leads
capacitor stores enery in from of charges...while inductor in form of flux and current

what is difference between capacitor & inductor

Capacitor store energy as Electrical field.
Inductor store energy as Magnetic field.

current source apply to inducter

Inductors store energy in magnetic filed and are considered to be better. But practically, it is easier to construct capacitors of any value than inductors.
Capacitor stores energy in electric field..

difference between inductor and capacitor

I think it becomes more a question of application and therefor it is different in each case.

Sometimes it is just more practical to use one or the other, and sometimes we have to use both in series or parallel to get the results we want.

difference in operation of capacitor and inductor

inductor stores magnetic field while capacitor stores electric field.

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