Difference between ADS simulation and the experimental measurements

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Member level 1
Feb 10, 2020
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there is a designed MMIC power amplifier (@ 10 GHz) whose simulation results are acceptable in ADS and Cadence layout.
when it was fabricated into IC it gives weird results, where its gain was about -10 dB :shock: and the peak points of this PA's gain is shifted to be 5 GHz rather than 10 GHz
However the inductors are tested in simulator using HFSS program and CO-simulation tool of ADS
what is the potential problem of this problem.
I think, the mutual coupling between used inductors is one of these potential problems, How i can test this mutual coupling in simulators?
any thing else?

5GHz frequency shift is too much ! there is something seriously wrong. Like a bias point or very bad corner ...

Mutual coupling can be included using ADS momentum EM simulation. Basically you do the layout and run EM simulation.

But you should not do the whole layout then check at the end. You need to add components to your layout one by one and see the effect (while leaving other components to be schematic model)
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Post your layout and schematic here, let's see.

But you should not do the whole layout then check at the end. You need to add components to your layout one by one and see the effect (while leaving other components to be schematic model)
this is a good advice

Post your layout and schematic here, let's see.
Unfortunately, this is not my design, it is for helping a friend.
if you dealt with this mistake, please let me know the possible solutions for this.
Thanks for advance.

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