difference between 13005 and 13005A

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Newbie level 6
Apr 1, 2006
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i need the help for the difference between the 13005 And 13005A transistor if any one know please tell me and also we need a quantaty of 13005 plain transistor please contact me 919886357761 my name is srinivasan


transistor 13005a

You are going to have to give some more information like the supplier name and complete part number. Just giving the 13005 and 13005A is not enough to determine if there really is an electrical difference or if the supplier just did a die revision to replace worn masks.


transistor 13005

i need the difference between the transistor not the delar or supplier

13005a transistor

You really dont have a clue do you? To be able to answer your question we really need to know what supplier and supplier part number you are using.

Just saying Im using a 13005 doesn't say anything. Are you using a single or array type? Is is from On Semi, ST Micro? Is it carrying 2A, 3A, or 4A? What package is it in? Is is lead free or not?

Are you starting to get the point? If you want an answer then give the needed information.


13005 transistor

here we are using 13005 or 13005N plain it does not contain 2a,3a or 4a

mje13005 npn and pnp

From your last post I can tell that you dont have any idea about whose part or even what part you are using.

What package is it? Are there any markings other than the base part number (13005)?


transistor 13005

sriniv2323 said:

i need the help for the difference between the 13005 And 13005A transistor if any one know please tell me and also we need a quantaty of 13005 plain transistor please contact me 919886357761 my name is srinivasan


Try to download datasheets of both part numbers with the same manufacturer... THEN read the **SPECS** side by side... if there are slight diffrences, then THAT is the diffrence between the two....

transistor 13005n

Probably MJE13005 - NPN 4A 400V 75W transistor.

13005a pdf

Here is why he needs to give us more info (and these are only a few of the suppliers):

NXP has the PHE13005 which is an array type NPN-PNP 400V 4A TO-220AB device.

On Semi has the MJE13005 which is a single NPN 4A 400V TO220AB device that IS NOT lead free.

On Semi also has the MJE13005G which is the lead free version of the MJE13005.

ST Micro has the ST13005, STX13005, STT13005, STT13005D, & the STX13005-APH. The ST13005 is a NPN 400V 4A TO-220
The STX13005 is a NPN 400V 3A TO92
The STT13005 is a NPN 400V 2A SOT-32
The STT13005D is like the STT13005 but with slightly different electrical parameters
The STX13005-APH is a NPN 400V 3A TO-92 but with a different shipping option.

On top of that, if you have parts marked with an A or B on the device this may or may not indicate DC current gain binning depending on the manufacturer.


13005 transitor to92

we used this but the circuit is not working properly

transistor 13005a pdf

Imagine that. Its not working because you dont really know what part you have.

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