Device Identification CR 1036 RAY 5074

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Newbie level 4
Dec 9, 2009
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Device Identification

Hello, I've been looking for days now and I just can't seem to identify these devices I have from the markings imprinted onto them. I just want to know what they are as they are just part of my personal inventory.

They look like any other 3904 or 5088 transistor. Same packaging.

They carry this and only this for markings, both on the flat side (where markings normally are):

CR 1036
RAY 5074

I just can't figure it out and I'm a young engineer so these may be old devices from a now defunct manufacturer that I am not aware of. Thank you very much!

Device Identification

Is it possible that CR 1036 a current regulator diode is?
Raytheon produced, at earlies, lot of transistors too...

Device Identification

it is POSSIBLE. I live in NE USA where there are quite a lot of Raytheons and many of my family members work or have worked for raytheon. However, if it IS a current regulator, how would I cross reference the part?

I just looked through Raytheon's US site's online database and came up with nothing. (I searched using all combinations of all the numbers on the part).

Device Identification

Hi z45679420x,
I found 2 datasheets-possibilities, but I think their arent your types:-(...

Re: Device Identification

I also thought of a current regulator "diode" (actually a JFET). They have been previously manufactured e.g. by Siliconix.
I have a printed databook somewhere, but the numbers are different, if I remember right. And they have only two
terminals. The second line could be understood as week 50 year 74, and possibly Raytheon.

I would however try to identify the component characteristic by measurements first. Applying up to 5V and a few mA should
be safe anyway. You can get many informations by a diode tester with a 0 to 1999 mV range.

Standard parts as NPN/PNP BJT or N/P JFET can be almost easily identified.

I found 2 datasheets-possibilities, but I think their arent your types
Yes, the case clearly tells they aren't.

Device Identification

Exactly in EU was Siliconix the best knowed_if Im right_is yet Vishay?_.., I sourched yet for CRs:

What about IC-Master?
You can register, is on-line and "not bed"...

Added after 11 minutes:

Is it possible that CR 1036 a small Thyristor/scr is?

Current reg. diodes are today from(for ex.):
Central Semiconductor
Microsemi Corporation
I think in former times from Cetralab & On Semi/Motorola too...

Re: Device Identification

Here's the Siliconix CRxxx datasheet. You see, that part number and case don't match.

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