detecting that caller is on line or disconnected (Telephone)

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Newbie level 3
Mar 4, 2007
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germany call disconnect tone

Hi everybody
I'm just trying to make an "Answering Machine" that works on telephone line. but i have a problom. I can't detect that the caller is disconnected or is still online. when the caller is disconnected, the answering machine should disconnect from line too and make the line "idle". i don't know how can I do this
can anyboddy help me?
I'll be very thankful

line diconnection

Usually, busy tone detection is used to determine call end at the called party side.

is this line disconnected

FvM said:
Usually, busy tone detection is used to determine call end at the called party side.

thats right
but how can i detect the busy tone? by a special IC or ... ?

telephone voltage disconnect

Check the voltages when caller is online and when disconnected.

how to dectect phone disconnect

umery2k75 said:
Check the voltages when caller is online and when disconnected.

I checked the line voltage too, but it hasn't any variation. I should detect busy tone, but how?

busy tone ne567 circuit

You need a tone decoder (e.g. NE567) and should check for the periodeical signal.

telephone disconnect tones

try this one xe0055cs2,
i think this gives you an integrated solution to interfacing to uC.



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phone disconnected tone answer machine

Many telephone exchanges give a short pulse of zero voltage or reversed polarity when the distant end has answered or has terminated a call.

lm567 tone decoder busy tone telephone

I do agree with FvM. The busy tone detection is easiest option. Polarity reversal and the 16Khz tone are sent from the exchange only when a call is matured or in progress. When the called person disconnect the call, a busy tone is heard and it shud be detected.


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