Designing Mosfet Gate drive circuit

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Power Seeker

Newbie level 3
Jul 13, 2011
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I'm trying to make a discrete MGD because IC's have limited current supply capability.Actually this circuit will be used to drive so many Mosfets in parallel which requires large amount of current.
I've seen three different ways to design MGD.
1.Totem pole arrangement
2.Gate drive transformer
3.Gate drive Optocouplers

I want a complete design in totem pole arrangement that shifts level as well as aplifies current.

Any ideas will be appreciated.

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I seriously doubt you're exceeding a power MOSFET driver
IC's current capability unless you're trying to parallel a
whole mess of FETs and cheap out on the drive.

With so many drivers out there and so much engineering
done, I have to doubt you've exhausted the options unless
you are making abnormal demands / assumptions. Check

Thanx for replying , You are right about i'm trying to parallel so many fets togather which will increase their gate to source capacitance, this increase in capacitance demands higher current to drive the fet into saturation instantly else miller plateau will be seen, alexan_e i've already seen this pdf and it helped me understand basic theory.

How many mosfets will you drive in parallel and what king of load do you have?


There are some ridiculous gate drivers out there. Look up IXDN630 for example. If you need more than 30A peak, then you are probably putting way too many devices in parallel. Too many parallel FETs can lead to horrible behavior (bad power sharing, oscillations, etc).

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