Design of a 10kW Inverter for a fuel cell

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fuel cell 10 kw

90% might be achieveable on the converter.
what's the efficiency on the battery?
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ferrit transformer+how to construct

eh? pretty good efficiency cause the battery has very small internal resistance so I^2 * R = small

in comparison to the inverter..


circuit diagrams for 10-kw dc-dc converter

If I remembered right, the 1.5KW PEM fuel cell I tested before need a small cooling system, and its exhaust temperature is about 70 C.

What type of fuel cell are you working on?

inverter 10 kw

oh sorry, i was thinking of a battery not a fuel cell. i have no knowledge of how a fuel cell works.

i am not working on any fuel cell system. the information i posted was just informational for other people. i posted it cause i thought it was high quality and might be useful for someone else.


fuel cell inverters 10kw

That is nice circuit.

Added after 2 minutes:

Help me out with the circuit diagram of 2000Watt inverter.Please foward it to my mail at

Added after 11 minutes:

Keep it up, nice job

Added after 45 seconds:

Have you tried water generator

Added after 1 minutes:

am working on it at present

Added after 9 minutes:

Mr. Cool please send your Mobile number to my mail at for go communication

dc to ac converter circuit for 10 kw

there is a lot in making an inverter ACTUALLY WORK. all your components need to be sized in proportion to the application. then you need to protect to failure which include user,electrical,mechanical,thermal types. then know you're input/output requirements and design filters to meet.

then you're done .. see simple

post your circuit diagram here if you like and many people will review it for you.


10 kw fuel cell

In the meantime, six additional reports from the 2001 challenge (!) finally have been published.

make a transformer 3kva. 12v to 230v

Hello everyone,

3000VA, 12V DC to 230V AC inverter... All pics and desriptions are there...

inverter circuit2kva

And 500W here...around 28V DC to 230V AC 50/60Hz inverter and full description...

full bridge converter 10kw

IC 4047 12V to 220V Inverter Schematics and description (but in Turkish) here...

2 kva inverter transformer diagram

Please Updates
Adjustable DC-DC converter for cars

Added after 1 minutes:

Where Download?

inverter fuel cells

Where do you find these inverters? Are you googleing for the them?

inverter circuit 10kw


Here is a simple invertor really simple but it will work , you need to follow instructions to up the output V and the Wattage.

making of an inverter


Here is a charger that will keep a car batt charged to be used with above invertor.

10 kw single phase inverter

i need a schematic of automatic heater room,, that can use to application in all room.
somebody plz help me

texas a&m future energy 10kw inverter

gerritv said:

Here is a simple invertor really simple but it will work , you need to follow instructions to up the output V and the Wattage.
It is garbage.
It needs Tansistors that are not made anymore. Tansistors were replaced by transistors thousands of years ago.

This garbage inverter started at www and is copied all over the internet.
1) Its timing capacitors are backwards and blow up.
2) Its transistors have avalanche breakdown of their emitter-base junctions that wastes the small output power and helps to blow up the capacitors.
3) The transistors have a base current that is way too small for an inverter.

The power transistor type and transformer have nothing to do with the extremely poor performance.

There are two huge topics in the forum at the original site where many people say it doesn't work and laugh about it.

inverter dc to ac 10kw

Can any boday tell me about Overload Protction in inverter circuits to save the battery and the inverter,. Thanks

Added after 1 hours 1 minutes:

I need a practical circuit of a dc 12v to ac220 inverter 2000 watts, control circuit based on PIC microcontroller or Atmel PLD, MOSFETs for power stage and with following protections.
-Ac over and under voltage control ( 180- 250 volts Adjustable)
-Low battery control (Trip)
-Output voltage regulator 240 vac
-Battery charge control(over charge protection)
-Over temprature control
-Over Load protection
-All controls and alarms with visual and audio indications

I will be very gratefull to all for my help.

inverter calculate fuel cell

overload is a measurement of the DC current between the battery and the DC link capacitor (which is at the front-end of the inverter). do not put the current sense between the cap and the inverter.

you are sensing a current that is too high a discharge rate for your battery.

you can also do other things with this current sense such as in-rush current control.


bridge inverter design+ebook

I am doing the similar thing, only DCDC converter.
In 96V to 200V,4kw. Can anyone help me desgin?
(initial trial 48V>200V, 1kw)

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