Newbie level 4

We try to fabricate our chip with MOSIS and submit our design. But there is an error during DRC ERROR: no CHIPEDGE seen.
We ask help for MOSIS technical support and they say:
"CHIPEDGE is something you can teach Encounter to draw for you", it is a special Encounter instruction sequence. You will have to search your Encounter documentation to find it. Search on keywords such as "drawing a bounding box polygon" or "chamfer" or even "CHIPEDGE" might give you a hit. With that sequence you can force Encounter to draw the CHIPEDGE polygon directly".
We search the whole encounter document but cannot get a hit. If anyone can help us here, we will appreciate. Thanks.
We ask help for MOSIS technical support and they say:
"CHIPEDGE is something you can teach Encounter to draw for you", it is a special Encounter instruction sequence. You will have to search your Encounter documentation to find it. Search on keywords such as "drawing a bounding box polygon" or "chamfer" or even "CHIPEDGE" might give you a hit. With that sequence you can force Encounter to draw the CHIPEDGE polygon directly".
We search the whole encounter document but cannot get a hit. If anyone can help us here, we will appreciate. Thanks.