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Dedicated forum for IAR. More specifically - ARM compiler.

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Advanced Member level 4
Jun 19, 2005
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Stanford, SF Bay Peninsula, California, Earth, Sol
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Regrettably, IAR doesn't host it's own forum. I really like this forum [EDAboard], and I wonder if there are similar forums or web groups dedicated to IAR compilers. Even more specifically, I'm looking for information and advice about compiler for LPC2000 (ARM).

There's a **broken link removed**, however it's unfocused with respect to compilers. Also, yahoo groups are inferior visually (formatting, etc.) to phpBB forums.

- Nick

UPDATE: Forgot to mention one more place. It's a section of the SparkFun forum titled "Everything ARM and LPC". The best resource so far.
UPDATE: Also, here's a forum hosted by NXP NXP Semiconductors.
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Re: Dedicated forum for IAR. More specifically - ARM compil

Hi Nick,

there is actually an IAR hosted website with forum:

The issue is, there is little traffic there but at least one guy from IAR I know looking into it very regularly. So chances are you will get answers there or from IAR support

The lpc2000 forum is highly frequented and offers lots of help, whether it is for IAR or Keil or other software tools. Asking there is always a good idea.

Last but not least you can ask questions here and there are some guys with IAR experience as well.

Hope this helps, Bob
btw. Hi neighbor Sunnyvale is just 15 minutes from Stanford.

Second edit: Just checked sevens and nines for their forums and it looks as if they discontinued that part, at least I could not find anything any more. So, it comes down to the sources you already identified, LPC2000 forum and EDA forum. Usenet comp.arch.embedded can also be helpful sometimes.

If you need specific advice what kind of compiler to use let me know here in this forum and provide a way to contact you directly. I have lots of experience with tools for ARM and LPC2000.

Re: Dedicated forum for IAR. More specifically - ARM compil

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the link to sevens and nines. I couldn't find the forum either. Too bad.

bobsanjose said:
Hi neighbor Sunnyvale is just 15 minutes from Stanford.
Hi neighbor!

btw, there will be an ARM convention in Santa Clara "ARM techcon 3" on Oct 21-23. IAR will be there (IAR events schedule), at least they will have a booth.

- Nick

Re: Dedicated forum for IAR. More specifically - ARM compil


Few days ago i got Stelaris lm3s3748 evaluation kit.
It came with IAR Embedded Workbench 5.30 Kickstart.
I played a little with example projects and everything was fine but when i try to create an application on my own it gives me Lnker Error [Li005]No definitionn for...(different function names). Initialy i thouth i made mistake somewere but when i try create a new project and new workspace and copy source files from the examples it gives me the same error(Compiles fine but linker error). Can anybody help me solve this problem, which i suspect is simply lack of knowledge on my part.

Thanks in advance.


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