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debounce for switch expalantion

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Full Member level 2
Full Member level 2
Apr 17, 2007
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dear all

i have virtex 2pro30 kit so i configured one switch for reset if i pressed on it
but i did not make any debounce code just simple check on state of switch
is the debounce necessary or not?
aslo about debounce code if i designed it using FSM "showed in image ' can i know how many flip flop is used?

wait your help


Depends - if you want to be 100% certain that you capture the state change of the switch, I would certainly recommend a debounce mechanism. If it's just for a test, maybe you could go without the debouncer.

Remember you will need some clock ticks (4..) over a 100ms time span to design a good debouncer. Just check over this period if the state is stable (0 or 1)

When a clock is available with 20ms period, then it takes 5 FFs.


I vote yes on the debounce. Flipflops are cheap. Your time debugging weird stuff due to glitchy inputs is not.

Debouncing and noise/disturbance filtering are two different things.

If you only need debouncing, the simplest way is just to sample the switches with a time period longer than the "bouncing" time.
I have successfully used 20 ms as the time period.
A longer time is ok, but if the time is too long, the user will notice a delay.

It doesn't matter if you sample in the middle of the bouncing noise
and get a random value, since that only happens when the switch is operated.
The previous and the next value will be stable (and different),
so whatever the random value is, the edge will be clean.

dear all

i have virtex 2pro30 kit so i configured one switch for reset if i pressed on it
but i did not make any debounce code just simple check on state of switch
is the debounce necessary or not?
aslo about debounce code if i designed it using FSM "showed in image ' can i know how many flip flop is used?

wait your help

at least 8 FF

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