DDR SDRAM of Spartan 3E

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Junior Member level 2
Oct 10, 2004
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Hi, I am new on FPGA. I am planning to buy a spartan3e starter kit. But I don't have idea if it has enough resource for my application. My application may need a lot of memory. The on board memory of spartan3e such as distributed RAM and block RAM may not be enough.

So my question is can I use DDR SDRAM as an additional memory to save the coefficients when block RAM is not enough? If not, then what can it be used for? What is the difference between DDR SDRAM and block RAM? Is DDR SDRAM much slower than block RAM?

Did I ask a wrong question? why nobody answer?

Block RAM is part of the Spartan 3E FPGA chip.

DDR SDRAM is not part of the Spartan 3E chip. It is a separate chip on the board.

You can use an external RAM as long as you can provide the read and write signals out from your design. I think it is not that so hard.

Do not use DDR SDRAM as additional memory.
You need to write a memory controller.
It is difficult for you now.
You can use SRAM. It is much easier to use.

Using Xilinx Core Generator
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