ddd used with jLinkGDBServer passing unsupported arguments

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Full Member level 2
Nov 18, 2004
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I want to use DDD (data display debugger) together with jLink debugger from segger. DDD will act as a front end for gnu-dbg and others but I see no direct support for seggers variant.

The problem is that DDD seems to use a set of predefined command line options which will be sent as parameters when the debugger is invoked. These are not recognized by jLink and thus there will be no connection.

I start a session from commandline by this command:

ddd -debugger JLinkGDBServer debug.elf

ddd then starts and is finds the elf file and tries to invoke the gdb server. the debugger finds the device and determine it to be cortex-M4, which is correct and then waits for GDB connection.

And then nothging happens.

the jlink is invoked by passing arguments -q and -fullname but these arguments are not supported by the jLinkGDBServer or is named different.

Question is how may one change DDD setup to pass the correct arguments to the debugger, if possible., so that the segger jlink gdb debugger could be used to debug.

I am running ddd 3.3.12 which is latest but still pretty old (2009). I do not know if it is maintained still but it would be fun to have it up and running.

I am using Linux slitaz 3.2.71-slitaz #4 running on a t5545 thin client

Please also advice me about other tools that could replace DDD and which supports jLink debuggers.

Hmm. I made a mistake and used the JLinkGDBServer app. should have been using JLinkEXE. However, it still fails claiming -g is an unknown option for JLinkEXE

I don't think that you can do that. JlinkGdbServer needs to be started before debugger. From ddd you need to call gdb which is cross compiled for given architecture (ARM< MIPS, X86, ...). JLinkExe is not a debugger.

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