DAQ design considerations

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Newbie level 6
Mar 8, 2011
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Hi I need to design a DAQ system (for data measurements and acquisition) .
Does anyone can point me on a relevant articles about the consideration for DAQ design.
What should I pay more attention...

Thank you.

a few initial thoughts
1. how many channels do you need to acquire (1, 2, 4, 16)?
2. what resolution (number of ADC bits 10, 12, 16, 24) ?
3. how many samples/second (1K, 10K, 100K, etc) ?

what do you do with the data when you acquire it ? e.g. run it thru an FFT? write it to a USB flash drive? send it to a server via TCP/IP ?
I need it to be 16bit resolution 8 channels, with USB communication. And as low cost as possible. I saw many ADCs wrom different vendors, but the cheapest and the better parameters that I can find if from Analog Devices AD7689 , does any one have better and cheaper ADC in mind? Also how can I choose the simplest USB communication device?

the AD7689 looks a good choice for you application- how many samples per second from each channel do you require ?

for a communication device are you looking for a ready made develpment board or do you intend to build you own PCB.
if it are going to build you own PCB you could use the PIC24FJ64GB002 microcontroller

I have used this for a number of USB based projects recently (both device and host applications). It has a USB interface, an SPI interface (to communicate with the AD7689) and comes in an 28-pin SDIP package so is easy to make a simple PCB. Software and compilers are free and there are plenty of example programs.

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