Damaged WACOM PTZ-630 overheat=plastic housing on Mitsubishi chip

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Newbie level 3
Sep 2, 2011
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Hello all, I've recently had an issue with my MacBook Pro throwing out too much power from its USB (before SMC reset); it has claimed the life of a logitech keyboard (which I can live with) and my WACOM tablet that I use for my freelance work. It over heated these devices in specific areas before I could react and unplug.

Upon opening it up, I see some housing plastic has melted on a chip, identified as a Mitsubishi M30240, M16C familiy from this thread

WACOM model PTZ-630

When plugged in, the power indicator light is -faint- blue, so some power is coming through.

When stylus is NORMALLY used on pad this blue (usually much brighter) light turns green indicating tracking - This no longer happens, and no color change of light.

I've opened it up, showing the housing area that melted and the chip as it appears now.

Here is a detailed image of the chip in question and the connections that corresponds to it on the board's reverse from the thread referenced above.
**broken link removed**

Is this salvageable?

I was thinking some of the melted plastic may just be interfering with the current as its spilling on the connections, could scraping it away help?

Any advice welcome,
thx for the time

It sounds like the 5V was more than 5V. That has blown the external devices and that processor. Measure the 5V and see what it is. The plastic won't be doing any harm - it won't be conductive. The problem is to find out why the plastic melted!


Well, the root cause of this issue was using a 10v power adapter in a 5v hub connected to the device, and pow... one dead hub, keyboard and WACOM. So the damage is directly from that incident.

I guess there is no way to determine how much damage was caused in that incident and I don't know enough about circuitry to assert that it stopped at the melted chip and did not cause problems elsewhere. Just a pricey unit ($200+ US for used)

I've sourced some quotes (all China, of course) and I have an offer for

Parts number - M30240M5-111FP-U0
D/C - 08+
QTY - 1
Price($) 7.8

(Can anyone learn me what the "D/C 08+" means?)

Which sounds very reasonable. (waiting for shipping quote) I saw a kit at Fry's online to help replace a soldered chip for **broken link removed** so it seems for less than $50 I can give a stab at it, but there's no guarantee that the damage hasn't gone beyond the one fried chip, is there?

I might give it a go.

I wouldn't bother. It is highly likely that there are other chips that are fried. Also, do you have the program needed for the fried microcontroller?


There's how little I know... no, I do not have the program for the microprocessor; nor would I even know how to put itin. Silly me, thinking it would be like putting a new starter in a car.

Thanks, Keith for the help; I had delusions of fixing my own thing with the pride of that doing and saving some money, but I have to admit, I just don't know what I'm doing here. Just a pain in the wallet at a time that's less than ideal.

/time to search refurbs

Thanks for the info & best,

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