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current mode IC Design

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Jun 5, 2007
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Does any one have any idea about usefulness and withdraws of current mode IC Design?
I will be glad to hear about, thanks.

u follow the book by author name mohamad ismail.

advantage: Wide bandwidth capability.

disadvantage: mmm... limited bibliography, I guess...

You should check the following book:

Analogue IC Design, The Current Mode Approach (edited by Toumazou, Lidgey & Haigh).

You can find it under the forum's "EDA E-books Upload/Download" section.

The systems work with voltage.
so you must convert current to voltage at the end.
and all problem is converting current to voltage as I know.

Current mode design can be faster than conventional voltage domain design. But its linearity is moderate compared with voltage-mode circuitry. In some cases where you have a current source input (such as diode or LED), it can be convenient to use current mode design.

Current-mode logic circuits have static power....
Thus power dissipation is a concern in CML. But it is much faster than the conventional voltage level logic circuits.

okey, i will be glad to have it, but consider i do not have any points to download so what is the solution?

Analogue IC Design, The Current Mode Approach :
I think this book is very useful.

I am downloading the current mode circuit by eMule, but it is too slow.

diemilio said:
khalilmonfaredi said:
I could not find it. could you please mail it to me!

Hello khalilmonfaredi,

Sure, I can e-mail you the e-book, the problem is that it's on DjVu format, so you would need to download this software to read it:

let me know if you're still interested.


I do need this book desperately .... please mail me the e-book to
rsrkrishna[at] , it doest matter in which format it is ....

thank you very much
RSR Krishna

OK guys... here's the file...

I guess I'm gonna receive a lot of extra points since I had to go and look for it!!! hehehehe... just kidding... Enjoy.

Dear khalil, I would send your requested file to your mailbox.

Added after 4 minutes:

I am so sorry, the second file I am downloading is to slow.
oh I succeded

Added after 1 minutes:

as mentioned above you can try:
diemilio said:
OK guys... here's the file...

I guess I'm gonna receive a lot of extra points since I had to go and look for it!!! hehehehe... just kidding... Enjoy.

finally I could able to download the above book by other means (above link is not working ). Quality of the book is too bad even I could not able to see anything ...

Is there any other book for current mode approach .... which I can buy (hard copy - not e-book) in Low Price Edition (like Indian Student Edition , Eastern Economy Edition etc )...
If there are any books though their main soul is not for current mode approach but it is explained throughly then they can serve my purpose..
I'm new to current mode approach and need it desperately :)
Hoping for a quick for response...

My Project Title : Current Mode ADC design

RSR Krishna


I really hate to dredge-up this old thread, but I'd really like to read a copy of this book. I can't seem to find this mysterious Ebook forum, so can someone please email the ebook to me? My email address is:

charmed.quirk [@t] gmail [d0t] com

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