[CST MWS] Connect two cyclinders of a helical coil

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Newbie level 5
Apr 15, 2012
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Hi all,

I am trying to make a helical coil like that:

But I don't know how to fill up and "bend" the connection between two cylinders:

Can anyone help me? Thanks.

why you have to connect between two cylinders? im sure you created this using macros. can you create a connected cylinder?

why you have to connect between two cylinders? im sure you created this using macros. can you create a connected cylinder?

Because I wanna create a discrete port at the start and the end point of the helical coil. I therefore created a cyclinder at each point and insert it to the coil (Boolean/Add). My question is: How to make a "beautiful" bending between the cyclinder and the coil like in the first picture in my previous post?

now i get you clearly. it is impossible to make beautiful and uniform like the coil you created from macros. the best way is edit the parameter in macros to make the coil uniform before you creating the coil.

There is a tool called Loft within Extrusion panel, have you tried it? I think it could work.

There is a tool called Loft within Extrusion panel, have you tried it? I think it could work.

Agreed, I think loft would give a smoother transition of your connection if that's what you're after.

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