Creating a Reference Library for Astro

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Newbie level 4
Apr 18, 2008
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Hi everyone..

I am new to Astro. I need to synthesis my design but I need a reference library. The manufacturer only provided the following files:
cell gds file
lib files
db files

I have tried the steps in the Astro manual but I didnt seem to work. I dont know what files should I use and which are not needed.

how to create a reference library

Just check the Milkyway flow in the documentation. Once you are aware what it does, you can go through Astro Recommended Methodology(ARMD) flow.

astro reference library

You can craete Milkyway data out of the GDS2 data and the technology files
using lib prepration flow.
But for synthesis you need the .db files only (if you run DC)

Please send more information on your needs.
Tnx Eyal.

astro map file

Hi everyone..

Thanks to everyone for the quick reply. I Have tried making the reference library using the and the cell gds files as shown in the Astro manual. I have used DC to map may Verilog file to the manufacturer standard cells. Next, I started Milkyway and created a library and used the standard cell library I created as a reference. When I read the Verilog file using the Verilog in command, I get an error saying that the DFF in the reference library doesen't have a CLK port in the FRAM view. I have tried many times and there was no luck.



creating a reference library


You need to check your FRAM view. It is not so simple to build STD cells FRAM view from GDS2. you have to check what is the text layer for metal1 pins (or metal2 pins). You have to set it in the BPV (Blockag Pin Via) stage.

DEF file? Which DEF file?

create milkyway cel fram view

I have tried to create the library again by adding the layer names in the BPV settings but I am getting the following error massage:

**** Start PASS 2 *****
(Please check the file for mapping Verilog to GDS cell)
** Can not open map file. **
ERROR : port "CLK" not found in the FRAM view of "SC43DFFQRBXL1"
ERROR : Fail to create port for cell SC43DFFQRBXL1.
ERROR : Cannot create cell SC43DFFQRBXL1 for inst q_reg_3_ from port connnection
ERROR: near line 7: Port connection failed.
Verilog HDL Parsing Error at or near line 7

Also, in loading the the .db files I get a message saying that the CLK ,Q ,and other ports of the previous cells are not found in the FRAM view. Is it possible to open the FRAM to confirm the existence of these ports?.

Added after 3 hours 45 minutes:

How is it possible to find the text layer for metal1 pins (or metal2). Is it found in any of the mentioned files?

lef lib astro


1. You need to set layer number not name in the BPV form.
2. You can see the CEL view and the FRAM view in Milkyway (or Astro) just open the library and open CEL or the FRAM view.
3. At the moment ignore the mapping file.
4. You can send the TCL (or Schem) command to me to review it.



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milkyway reference library

Thank you guys for replying...

I have checked the the CEL views and they seem fine but when I check the FRAM view, only the layout is there and no pins. I checked the layer numbers from the CEL view and found that the pins are on layer number 34 which is a layer for vias. when I set the layer numbers for Metal1 - Metal12 in the BPV, nothing happens and the result is the same. When I set the text fall through to 34 or 11(Metal1), I get a lot of error messages indicating a short between pins!!.

milkyway reference libraries

Are the cells in the library "lvs" and "drc" clean.
Please send your scm file or commands the same order you are using.
I generated mw ref lib with the following files.
library.lib or library.db (hand created file to map layer numbers in lef and gds file).

can not open map file, astro

All the cells are provided from the manufacturer and they DRC and LVS free. For the mapping file, how to get the layer numbers and what kind of format do I need. can you attach he one you made?

Hi, everyone
I have meet the same problems too.
It seems, when create FRAME view, the pin information is not sucessfully extracted from CEL view.
Can any one told me the reason, or give an sucessful example.


The easiest way to accomplish this is to use the 'read_lef' command in Milkyway. It automatically does everything for you and creates the CEL/FRAM views. So you will need to the .lef which containing the technology file/cell information. It is OK if they are two separate files.

I have tried it. It works.
Thank you.


i have the same problem, i don't have lef file, so i must stream in by gds format.
after stream in gds, the cel format is fine but after BPV, the frame view doesn't have any pin and "fail to get P/G track in cell". how can i do in the BPV stage?


I am having the same issue. Created CEL View from GDSII.
The Library Cell Preparation Version D-2010.03, march 2010 stated that i need to run:

set_attribute [get_ports VDD] port_type "Power"


set_attribute [get_ports VSS] port_type "Ground"

Astro gives me:
Astro> Info: building design object name tables
Reading reference libraries ...
Info: internal pins not accessible, use Tcl var access_internal_pins
Warning: No ports matched 'VCC' (SEL-004)
Error: Nothing matched for ports (SEL-005)
Warning: no object specified for set attribute on (MWUI-203)

The error seemed to tell me I need to define VCC as port before setting the attribute. So I try in Astro Scheme:

Astro> dbSetCellPortTypes "TEST_HOLD" "*" '(("VCC" "Inout" "Power")) #t

ERROR: (misc-error) in expression: set_attribute
0*: set_attribute
Unbound variable: set_attribute

ERROR: (misc-error) in expression: [get_ports
0*: [get_ports
Unbound variable: [get_ports

ERROR: (misc-error) in expression: VCC]
0*: VCC]
Unbound variable: VCC]

ERROR: (misc-error) in expression: port_type
0*: port_type
Unbound variable: port_type

Is there something I need to do before my steps in order to define Power and Ground ports correctly in the cell view? I already have texts in the metals.


Can someone please attach a sample Layer Mapping File for GDSII streamIn to Milkyway. I created a layout for standard cell in Synopsys Custom Designer and I need to set a layer no for the physical boundary while streaming in.

Thank you very much

Hi !!

I have the same kind of issue when I want to define the Power/Ground Port in the CEL view, before doing the BPV (Blockage, Pin, Vias) with Milkyway or ICC.

Milkyway> set_attribute [get_ports vdd] port_type "Power"
Milkyway> set_attribute [get_ports vss] port_type "Ground"
Warning: No port objects matched 'vdd' (SEL-004)
Warning: no object specified for set attribute on (MWUI-203)
Warning: No port objects matched 'vss' (SEL-004)
Warning: no object specified for set attribute on (MWUI-203)

Some more explanation :
-Step : layout.oa -> layout.gds is GOOD (done through Cadence, File/Export/Stream from layout.oa)
-Step : layout.gds -> CEL view is GOOD (through ICC viewer I can see the M1 pin layer for vdd/vss)
-Step : from CEL to FRAM view, i cannot define the Power/Ground Port (cf. error).

Launch of milkyway :
/milkyway/test> /home/xxx/G-2012.06-SP4_milkyway/bin/AMD.64/Milkyway

Milkyway> source script_flow_mw.tcl

script_flow_mw.tcl :

# Milkyway Physical Views Generation from .gds to FRAM

puts "########################################################################"
puts "######################## Begin of Milkyway Flow ########################"
puts "########################################################################"

# User inputs

set working_dir "xxx/dp_st_cmos040lp_241/milkyway/test"
set techno_file "xxx/COMMON/"
set library_name "$working_dir/library_mw_test"
set cell_name "test_iv_LayoutToCEL"
set gds_input_file "xxx/milkyway/test/cp_library_st40_test_for_place_and_route/test_iv_LayoutToCEL/test_iv_LayoutToCEL.gds"
set techno_file_mapping "$working_dir/techno_file_mapping.txt"

puts "\n########################################################################"
puts "######################## user inputs : ########################"
puts "########################################################################"
puts "working_dir : $working_dir
techno_file : $techno_file
library_name : $library_name
cell_name : $cell_name
gds_input_file : $gds_input_file"
puts "########################################################################"

# Library creation with matching techno_file

puts "\n########################################################################"
puts "######################## Step Library creation with matching techno_file. ########################"
puts "########################################################################\n"

dbSetMsgLevel "high"
set mw_use_layer_enhancement true
create_mw_lib -technology $techno_file $library_name

puts "\n--------------------------------------------------"
puts "Library creation with matching techno_file DONE."
puts "--------------------------------------------------"

# gds to CEL generation

puts "\n######################################################################"
puts "######################## gds to CEL generation. ########################"
puts "########################################################################\n"

read_gds -lib_name $library_name -layer_mapping $techno_file_mapping $gds_input_file <= HERE Warning: Layer 'pin_M1' is missing the attribute 'minSpacing'. (line 4940) (TFCHK-014)
Warning: Layer 'pin_M1' is missing the attribute 'minWidth'. (line 4940) (TFCHK-014)

puts "\n--------------------------------------------------"
puts "gds to CEL generation DONE."
puts "--------------------------------------------------"

# Power and ground Identification Functions

puts "\n######################################################################"
puts "######################## Power and ground Identification. ########################"
puts "########################################################################\n"

open_mw_lib $library_name
open_mw_cel $cell_name
set_attribute [get_ports vdd] port_type "Power" <= Issue here : Warning: No port objects matched 'vdd' (SEL-004)
set_attribute [get_ports vss] port_type "Ground"
save_mw_cel $cell_name
close_mw_cel $cell_name
close_mw_lib $library_name

puts "--------------------------------------------------"
puts "Power and ground Identification DONE."
puts "--------------------------------------------------"

# Flatten cell operation

puts "\n#######################################################################"
puts "######################## Flatten cell operation ########################"
puts "########################################################################\n"

flatten_cell -library $library_name -cell $cell_name

puts "\n--------------------------------------------------"
puts "Flatten cell operation DONE.\n"
puts "--------------------------------------------------"

# Check library Physical info

puts "\n#######################################################################"
puts "######################## Check library Physical info ########################"
puts "########################################################################\n"

set_check_library_physical_options -all
check_library -mw_lib_name $library_name

puts "\n--------------------------------------------------"
puts "Check library Physical info DONE.\n"
puts "--------------------------------------------------"

puts "\nEnd of Milkyway Flow\n"

Can someone please help me ? I mean, is it working this FRAM view generation with a .gds as input (and not a Cadence LEF file as input).



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