creat a 3D field rectangular plot

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quarter wavelength

Newbie level 5
Jul 9, 2010
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Hi to all,

Have a problem and working on it for one week, no progress
I think it is so easy, I know, but I can't find how to do it.
I'm trying to plot electric field for a particular plane, a 3D report. I can do it for a line: I define a line in my structure first, then HFSS/Results/Creat field report/Rectangular plot. then in the context section in the geometry box I choose that line and the rest... I can do this with a line but not with a plane. Why? I mean I can't make the plane which appear in the geometry box!!!!! I want a 3D plot with X and Y axis for the X and Y coordinate of that specific plane and the Z axis for the magnitude of the electric field for a single frequency.

I appreciate any help.


If you could upload your model I can try to plot this in EMCoS Antenna Virtual Lab - it is easy to do there if model can be solved with Method of Moments.

e_m_c said:
If you could upload your model I can try to plot this in EMCoS Antenna Virtual Lab - it is easy to do there if model can be solved with Method of Moments.

Thank you ''e_m_c'' for your reply, eventually could find a way to do this with MATLAB!

If you draw a dummy plane in HFSS, then you should be able to view a contour plot of the field on that surface using HFSS GUI. To create a surface plot as requested by you, (I think) it requires exporting the mesh and field, which is not that easy.

loucy said:
If you draw a dummy plane in HFSS, then you should be able to view a contour plot of the field on that surface using HFSS GUI. To create a surface plot as requested by you, (I think) it requires exporting the mesh and field, which is not that easy.
Dear loucy

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I was able to view that contour plot for a plane. but I was looking to find a way to make a 3d report for electric field for a plane, which is not availble in HFSS. However, I could manage to extract raw data for a plane and then using MATLAB to plot it.
Once again, thank you for your reply!

Could you please share you way on how to export the data to MATLAB? Thank you

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