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[SOLVED] crc frame in CAN frame

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Dear ahsan_i_h Sir I know that CAN frame will not working properly, but tell me the effect if CRC frame is not available ?

Dear ahsan_i_h Sir I know that CAN frame will not working properly, but tell me the effect if CRC frame is not available ?
As ahsan_i_h said, a standard CAN device will not recognize it and read it. I don't think you can even put a frame on the CAN without a CRC field using standard CAN controller chips. But if you do manage to put such a frame onto the CAN bus, it should not cause any trouble to other traffic on the bus. It will just be ignored by every receiver on the bus.

Hi all, It depends on the stack you r using that whether you will b able to send or not. In case if you are able to send, the receivers will receive frame based on identifier field but after reception they will report CRC error which one of the types of error defined in CAN specs.
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As ahsan_i_h said, a standard CAN device will not recognize it and read it. I don't think you can even put a frame on the CAN without a CRC field using standard CAN controller chips. But if you do manage to put such a frame onto the CAN bus, it should not cause any trouble to other traffic on the bus. It will just be ignored by every receiver on the bus.

means without CRC field it is possible to transmit and recieve frames if it should not create any trouble for other stations on the bus.

please explain briefly about this.
And thanks for your valuable reply.

What I mean is that if you designed a custom CAN controller for the transmitter that did not produce a CRC field, and if you designed a custom CAN controller for the receiver that did not check the CRC field, it would be possible to send a packet from one of these devices to another. Provided these devices respected the priority resolution protocol of the CAN bus, these custom controllers would not adversely affect other legitimate CAN devices and their use of the bus. They would just treat all packets from these custom controllers as errors and ignore them. This protocol would not really be CAN since it does not conform to the CAN format. It would just use the same physical medium and coexist with real CAN.

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