CORDIC NCO for Digital Up conversion

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Newbie level 1
Apr 5, 2009
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digital up conversion

Hi everyone,

I am working on designing a Digital Down converter and Digital Up converter. I started of by designing the NCO using CORDIC algorithm for Digital down conversion. I wrote the VHDL code for the NCO in Quartus II and I obtained the approximate results for down conversion. I am trying to implement the same CORDIC NCO for up conversion. I am testing it by feeding in the outputs of the NCO that I designed for down conversion. I set the x input as 0.309 (Cos 72) and y input as 0.951 (Sin 72). I am expecting an output of 0.607 which is the magnitude of the two inputs and a phase angle of 72. But I am not able to get that. Could someone please help me with code?? I have no idea how to proceed.. The code I have written is given below:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity ncoR is							-- Top level Entity
		size : integer := 20
		clk		: in std_logic;
		reset 	: in std_logic;                            
		x0 		: in std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0);
		y0 		: in std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0);
		z0 		: in std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0);
		phase   : out std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0);
		quad	: out std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0);
		angle	: buffer std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0);
		start 	: in std_logic;
		done  	: out std_logic      

end ncoR ;

architecture arch of ncoR is

	signal cnt   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);         
	signal newx  : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
	signal newy  : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
	signal newz  : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
	signal xreg  : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
	signal yreg  : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
	signal zreg  : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
	signal sxreg : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
	signal syreg : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
	signal atan  : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
	signal fin   : std_logic;
	signal nxt   : std_logic;
	signal as    : std_logic;
	signal nas   : std_logic;

   -- Component declarations
	component addsubR					-- Adder
			size : integer := 20
			dataa  : in     std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0);
			datab  : in     std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0);
			result : out    std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0);
			as     : in     std_logic 
	end component;
	component anglelut					-- Angle Look-Up Table
			size : integer := 20
			index   : in std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
			atan 	: out std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0)
	end component;
	component fsmR						-- Finite State Machine
		clk   : in  std_logic ;
		reset : in  std_logic ;                  
		start : in  std_logic ;
		cnt   : in  std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
		initial  : out std_logic ;
		nxt  : out  std_logic ;
        done  : out std_logic 
	end component;
	component shiftR					-- Shifter 
			size : integer := 20
			data : in     std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0);
			sdata : out    std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0);
			n    : in     std_logic_vector (4 downto 0)
	end component;


	process (clk,newx,newy,newz,z0,nxt,fin) 
		if (rising_edge(clk)) then
			if fin='1' then 
				xreg <= x0;
				yreg <= y0;
				zreg <= z0;
				cnt<=(others=> '0');     
			elsif nxt='1' then 
				xreg <= newx; 
				yreg <= newy; 
				zreg <= newz;
				cnt <= cnt + '1';                  
			end if;
		end if;   
	end process;

as <= yreg(size-1);						-- MSB of y register  
phase   <= yreg;
quad  <= xreg;
angle <= zreg;
nas <= not(as);

	addx : addsubR						-- Accumulator for x register
		generic map 
			size => size
		port map 
			dataa => xreg,
			datab => syreg,
			result => newx,
			as   => as
	addy : addsubR						-- Accumulator for y register
		generic map 
			size => size
		port map 
			dataa => yreg,
			datab => sxreg,
			result => newy,
			as   => nas
	addz : addsubR						-- Accumulator for z register
		generic map 
			size => size
		port map 
			dataa => zreg,
			datab => atan,
			result => newz,
			as   => as
	lut : anglelut
		generic map 
			size => size
		port map 
			index    => cnt,
			atan => atan
	state_mach : fsmR
		port map 
			clk   => clk,
			reset => reset,
			start => start,
			cnt   => cnt,
			initial  => fin,
			nxt  => nxt,
			done  => done
	shiftx : shiftR					-- Shifting x value
		generic map 
			size => size
		port map 
			data => xreg,
			sdata => sxreg,
			n    => cnt
	shifty : shiftR					-- Shifting y value
		generic map 
			size => size
		port map 
			data => yreg,
			sdata => syreg,
			n    => cnt
end arch;

Lookup table

library IEEE;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_arith.all;

entity anglelut is
      size : positive := 20
      index	: in std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
      atan	: out std_logic_vector (size-1 downto 0)

end anglelut ;

architecture table of anglelut Is

	signal tinfo : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);

	atan <= tinfo; 
		case index is	                           
			when "00000" => tinfo <= X"3243F"; -- 45
			when "00001" => tinfo <= X"1DAC6"; -- 26.565
			when "00010" => tinfo <= X"0FADB"; -- 14.036
			when "00011" => tinfo <= X"07F56"; -- 7.125
			when "00100" => tinfo <= X"03FEA"; -- 3.576
			when "00101" => tinfo <= X"01FFD"; -- 1.789
			when "00110" => tinfo <= X"00FFF"; -- 0.8951
			when "00111" => tinfo <= X"007FF"; -- 0.4476
			when "01000" => tinfo <= X"003FF"; -- 0.2238
			when "01001" => tinfo <= X"001FF"; -- 0.1119
			when "01010" => tinfo <= X"000FF"; -- 0.0559
			when "01011" => tinfo <= X"0007F"; -- 0.0279
			when "01100" => tinfo <= X"0003F"; -- 0.0139
			when "01101" => tinfo <= X"0001F"; -- 0.00699
			when "01110" => tinfo <= X"0000F"; -- 0.00349
			when "01111" => tinfo <= X"00007"; -- 0.00174
			when "10000" => tinfo <= X"00003"; -- 0.00087
			when "10001" => tinfo <= X"00001"; -- 0.00043
			when "10010" => tinfo <= X"00000"; -- 0.00021
			when "10011" => tinfo <= X"00000"; -- 0.00010
			when others => tinfo <= "--------------------";
		end case;
	end process;  
end table;


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