convert c code to hex file

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omar baabbad

Newbie level 3
Jul 27, 2012
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pleas help me

i want to convert c code to hex file because i work in project with atmaga 32
i try to do it with keil programm but it dose not support it
i use another programm codvision but aftre i convert the hex file dose not appear when i use protus
please give me solution

At some stage, you're gonna have to learn how to use a compiler. It sounds like you've tried a couple of different ones, and given up.
Try a third, until you succeed. Step-by-step instructions are . It has step-by-step instruction and screenshots. If you want help, you'll need to be more specific on what didn't work, and if you got an error, what error you got.
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For Windows, the tool you are looking for is called WinAVR and can be found here: It includes an IDE, avr-gcc, and a full interface to most popular atmel isps (e.g. avrisp mkii). I use it extensively, and it is a good tool.

For Linux you will want to read

For OSX you will want to read (xcode is an option).

If you have a Windows platform you can develop on I highly recommend the WinAVR route. It automates the whole process for you.

at the first tanks alot for you sir sky_123 & tpetar & jasonc2

i want conver to hex file to load it in atmaga32 in protus
i have codvision but i try to convert to hex but it dose not covert if you have step for that with picture it is better
the picture of circuit there

i will read every information you give it to me and tell you the result thank you alot

CodeVisionAVR, WinAVR, AVRstudio, etc are all adequate C Compilers for the AVR family of microcontrollers.

It is hard to tell what exactly is the issue regarding the CodeVisionAVR code you compiled, perhaps the issue is the code itself or an improperly configured simulation, without more details it is hard to say.

Post or upload your code and the simulation file, so that we can examine it.


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i have codvision but i try to convert to hex but it dose not covert ...

Have you selected the proper device or the proper output file format in the Compiler configuration settings?


Unfortunately I'm not familiar with your tools, nor Proteus; I'm only familiar with IAR and GCC (either of those work well for me across
dozens of different microcontrollers). You've got step-by-step instructions for the IAR route, and I think Jason's links should help you
with the GCC approach.

Also are you sure it is "not converting" or is it perhaps just putting the hex file somewhere you are not looking?

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