conversion between C and VHDL

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Jan 20, 2005
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convert c to vhdl

I want to ask are there any softwares used to convert C program to VHDL code?

thanks a lot

difference between vhdl and c

I don't know about plain old C, but there is a thing that's called "SystemC". You may want to run a Google on that ;-)

What you need to understand is the fundamental difference between C and VHD. C is a consecutive language (compare this, after that multiply, then add...à while VHDL is concurrent (sp?) in nature. That means that it 'evaluates' all statements at the same moment.

c to vhdl

never ! i think ! Two different language!

difference between c and vhdl

I found a free program that translates C to VHDL:
**broken link removed**


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vhdl to c

The problem is not the syntax but the semantics. It is a hot research topic.

how to convert c to vhdl + free download

This is the proverbial PHILOSOPHICAL STONE .It would be great to do BOTH software and hardware in a comun language .Being C the most used generic programming language and the incredible base of programs written for it .It appears only natural to be the language of choice .
But THERE IS A BIG PROBLEM .. software and the C language is SEQUENTIAL .and hardware and VHDL is CONCURRENT ..
So somehow we have to map sequential code to parallel constructs ..
There is a lot going on .Several approaches like CELOXICA's HANDELC which is basically an augmented C language of parallel constructs . But your algorithm has to deal with parallel aspects from the very beggining .
There is another like Codeveloper from Inpulse kind a similar too
and there is spark which appears to be a real attack on the parallelization of code .
This i just download it to evaluate it ..
is still a very small program and in research stage .. so i think some day we will design in C code and we will decide what part will run in specialized and optimazed hardware .. IS A MATTER OF TIME it appears to be very much SOLVABLE

c to vhdl free

Even if there is a software that can do that, I don't think it's appropiate, cos these are totally different language, C is a programming language, VHDL is a hardware description language... when you write VHDL you're thinking on how a circuit should work, not how a program should run, it's different.

convertisseur gratuit de c vers vhdl

thanks all of you so much

have you try spark before?
I have some problems during using it.

c program in place of vhdl

I talked to those guys ,they told me that spark doesn't work in XP or 2000
but only under CYGWIN (it crashes). They will be releasing a new version for windows !

c to hdl

Hi there

of course SPARK is far from perfect yet. I have used myself for a while. But the impressive thing about it is:

1. basically one-mans-work (two other Phd's also helped S. Gupta a bit)
2. has the most-suited IR for high-level synthesis. The textbook HCDFG (hierarchical CDFG) as detailed in DeMicheli's book.


comparison of vhdl with c language

I want to ask what means about the CYWIN?


c conversion to vhdl

Hi V,
There are tools to convert C codes to VHDL.
Basically itz targetted towards system engineers, who r good at C and doesn't have an expertise on the VHDL.
Catapult C is C based logic Designer, where the design entry will be in C, and the ouput will be the HDL.
Combo and Seq design considertions r also taken care in this tool. it's from MentorGraphics.

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