controlling motor with the right current

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Newbie level 2
Sep 4, 2014
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i had this circuit for controlling 2 wiper motors using a motor driver - L293D and relay

i used l293d to control the direction of motor but it only provides small amount of current, so it can only drive small motors like DC. when i tried to control the wiper motor, it does worked but can't make it rotate. i was thinking that it's because i'm using a regulated power supply that gives less current.

to test if my wiper motor is really working, i connected it directly to a 12 v, 3 amps transformer, and it did work the way it should, so i assume that the current really affects the controlling of motor.

so i tried putting a relay. as far as i can understand, it needs small amount of current to be triggered but its output gives a bigger current.

when i tried it, i've got the same result when i just used l293d.

please help me fixed this problem.

here's my circuit:

here's also the circuit of the regulated power supply that i used:

Your relays are connected so that the coil is continually energized by the power supply.

The coil should be turned on by the IC.

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