[SOLVED] Controlling 16 Leds using LPT Port and two 74HC595 Shift Registers

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Aug 31, 2023
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Hi guys!
So i need a little bit of help. Im doing a project where i have to create a scheme which controls 16 Leds using LPT Port. For that im using two 74HC595 shift registers. I also need to write a program in C/C++ which lights up a certain led, makes all ON and/or all OFF. Im in need of help how to connect the parts together.

I suspect the teacher is drawing on his own past experience 20 or 30 years ago when parallel-ports sometimes controlled projects (example, 8 relays on one board). I can't believe he expects students to obtain 20 yr old computers. Isn't this school suppose to train students for tomorrow's job market?

I think Prof assumes students already know 8 output pins are each high or low.
Then it becomes an exercise in combining C code with hardware, to control 16 led's.

I imagine the teacher wishes to see students using the least complicated and least costly method. Example, there's the 74HC154 (4-line to 16 decoder IC). I guess you still need latches or RS flip-flops or memory cells.

16 letters of the alphabet could address 16 led's. A capital letter turns an led on. A small letter turns it off. Press 1 to turn them all on. Press 2 to shut them all off. Use the modern Arduino to do this.


Nowadays kids play around with Arduino controlling RGB LEDs using a serial bus.
Low cost hardware available, software for free.
(Or they use AI to write the software)

I still expect the OP to show some effort. Drawing a sketch, reading the datasheet, referring to diagrams, asking detailled questions.


Ok you can use Arduino ide

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