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Contact under BNC port on oscilloscope ?

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Full Member level 4
Oct 9, 2010
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You do not know whether the signals on contact surface below the BNC ports on oscilloscopes somehow standardized?
Alternatively, what signals and what geometric arrangement uses Rigol at DS4000?
And the most important question, sold empty boxes for these ports, which would be to build in their own devices?
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I'm sorry, I meant to say contact surface
see Figure

A RP7150 Active Differential Probe is mentioned in the DS4000 manual and seems to be the only active probe presently manufactured by Rigol. Although the interface looks similar to Agilent DSO, it uses 7 instead of 9 pins and is most likely not compatible. Other major manufactorers (Tektronix, LeCroy, Yokogawa) have each their private muti-pin probe connector. As far as I'm aware of, the "ring" pin (middle pin of the multi-pin connector) coding the probe attenuation by a resistor is the only standarized probe connection.

I have roughly checked the pin assignment of Agilent probe interface, it involves +/-5 and +/-12 V supply, I2C pins and two analog pins, that e.g. source a variable offset voltage to an active probe. Some oscilloscopes only recognize/support a subset of manufacturer's active probes, although they use the same connector. I'm not sure if it's possible to utilize the connector to supply unsupported probes.
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Thank you all for your answer. I would like to make a HALL current probe to the oscilloscope and it would be good to be able to use the power from the oscilloscope.
If these connectors are not standardized, it's all quite sucks.
At least do not have to deal with where or how to buy / make connector

Thank you all for your answer. I would like to make a HALL current probe to the oscilloscope and it would be good to be able to use the power from the oscilloscope.
If these connectors are not standardized, it's all quite sucks.
At least do not have to deal with where or how to buy / make connector

If you buy this scope, you should not have any problems to buy one additional pair of sondes/probes from them.
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