Confused about ICD2 clones

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Jan 15, 2002
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I'm really confused with so many ICD2 clones... (and people talking about their problems). Now I can enumerate almots 10 clones xDD but less working...

Can anybody tell me what are the main clones (I'd like with USB) used ? Or some advise...I don't know which I should make...

Thanks U!

The easiest one is the one from Lothar Stolz.
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I built one and it works.
You will probably have million problems with this story of bootloaders.
I believe most of the files BL010101.hex (the boot loader) that people say you must get in the ICD2 directory in MPLAB installation DON'T work.

I have had 3 or 4 different installations of different versions of mplab and only one of them worked. I programmed a 876 many times with different bootloaders before getting it to work.
If I were you I would not go for the USB project yet. Too many problems still...

But it is a nice project. I sugest you to pass through this via-crussis and build one.


sinatra, does the ICD2 at h**p:// also work with MPLAB 7???

I tried that web but I'm unable to find anything about ICD... I don't understand german xDD

SOmebody can show me a direct url to icd?


seems like Lothar Stolz home page is no longer alive
try this one
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best regards

I'm running a modified icd2-clone on mplab 7.11. It works without any problems on pic16 and pic 18. Only dspic has some communication problems, which also occurs with an original icd2.
With the stolz transistor design I had some problems with currents flowing throw the transistors where it should not do. Have a look at my design for an alternative.

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Hello alunaro.
I had built exactly the design from Lothar Stolz.
And it worked all right as ICD2 debuger and programmer.
I followed exactly what Lothar said and had no problems with the hardware.
This is the simplest ICD2 ever!!!!!
If you want to built an ICD2 don' waste your time with any alternative solution (sorry for the others), the one from Lothat is the easiest. You can build it in a protoboard if you want.
The problems that you may have are related to the bootloader BL010101.hex that you find in the ICD2 directory in the MPLAB installation directory.
I believe that this files are not good in some installations of mplab, and that's why many people have problems.
I have tested it with versions 6.60 and 7.10. I had some problems with version 6.60 (but it was in w98 1st edition that is not supported version of windows). With 7.10 (in windows2k) it works perfect.

If you need any help more, just ask.
viel gluck


PS:try to find posts from crazyduck about ICD2. He built many versions and have quite good experience to solve the problems.

the site is back on!!

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Where is the firmware for the ICD on I can't find it.

Can any one please upload it to the forum.


Hi metal
The firmware is distributed with mplab. All you need is to program right bootloader in your ICD2 pic. Then use “Downloading ICD2 Operating System” from MPLAB to write the firmware.
You’ll find the bootloader in this forum.

Best regards

anyone drawn pcb for this?

Sobakava said:
anyone drawn pcb for this?

i dont think there is any need for a PCB. a veroboard solution will be easier and quick. but if you do want to make a PCB then you can easily make it in Eagle.

Sobakava said:
anyone drawn pcb for this?

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lothar stolz @ **broken link removed**

File not found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

use his links instead :

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