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conditional component use?

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Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
Oct 23, 2012
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im writing a tic tac toe checker and i was wondering if i could get some help about conditions outside a process.

i just wanted to say that I've already wrote this code using a procedure but i wanted to learn how to do this with components

this is just the start of the code, when ill understand how do i work outside a process ill write the rest

the rules are: d_in is 2 bit vector who writes the board. "00" and "11" has no affect (they do but it's not relevant for now), "10" is o_win, "01" is x_win.

my code so far:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.TicTacToe.all;	---package woth type state (x_win, o_win, no_win, idle)

entity FSM is
port (	d_in : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
		PS : in state;
		NS : out state := idle);
end FSM;

architecture arch_FSM of FSM is


		process (PS, d_in)
			case PS is
					when idle =>
						--result <= "00";
						if d_in = "01" then
							NS <=x_win;
						elsif d_in = "10" then
							NS <=o_win;
							NS <= idle;
						end if;
					when x_win =>
						--\result <= "01";
							if d_in = "10" then
								NS <= no_win;
								NS <= x_win ;
							end if;
					when o_win =>
						--result <= "10";
							if d_in = "01" then
								NS <= no_win;
								NS <= o_win;
							end if;
					when no_win =>
						--result <= "11";
					when others => NS <= idle;
				end case;
		end process;

end architecture;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.TicTacToe.all;

entity x_o is
port 	(d_in 	: in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
		 clk, rst_n	: in std_logic;
		 stts		: out  std_logic_vector (1 downto 0));
end entity;

architecture arch_x_o of x_o is
component FSM is
port (	d_in : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
		PS : in state;
		NS : out state);
end component;
signal row_status	: state := idle;
type matrix is array (0 to 2) of state;
signal mem	: matrix	:= (others => idle);	--memory reg for column check. every index will be a state by itself
signal temp : state := idle;
signal NS 	: state := idle;
signal i	: integer := 0;

	temp <= mem (i); --why can't i just use mem (i) in the component?, for some reason i cant do that.
	u1 : FSM port map (d_in, row_status, row_status);
	u2: FSM port map (d_in, temp, NS );
	-- if this was sequential I would insert NS into mem (i) and advance i for next check
	-- if I use a process for that with d_in and clk in the sensitive list and advance i
	-- for every change in d_in and rising_edge ill get the the component is been used twice
	--befor i advance and after
	-- i wonder if i can do all that outside a process since the component has a process in him
end architecture;

my problems with this are mentioned in the code
hope someone can explain how do i work outside a process
thanks in advance

You cannot conditionally add a conponent in real time. You can chose to include them or not based on generics, but not runtime. A component is like a chip on a circuit board, so you should see why it would make no sense to add or remove a chip based on the value of a signal (it would be impossible without some form of very clever soldering robot!)

I'll try to elaborate what i had in mind when i asked that question.
basically, i wanted to add some kind of decoder to this component and when i=n a would just divert my signals to different location. what i mean is that for some circumstance the component wont be a part of the operation i do on my signals. is it possible to do something like that?

what do you think is the best way to tackle this kind of problem? meaning, for final state machine which i share with 3 different states and have to get some condition for each state and according to this condition make some kind of operation based on the state i get ?

my solution was using a procedure inside a process with variables which changes immediately so i could use them as the process continuous. i would really appreciate some kind of different view on this if you have a batter solution (I'm pretty sure that there is a batter way of doing this kind of stuff with shared FSM)

use muxes, enables and other control logic. Thats what its there for. The components must be there all the time, you just chose whether or not to use their output.

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