Computer Architecture

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shen modern processor design solution

you can find the book here, 4th edition

but go for Computer Organization:The hardware/software interface 3rd edition (i didnt find it on the internet, i found Computer architecture:a quantitative approach 2nd edition, both has the same name and same authors!

computer architecture

Hey kostbill
well lots of suggestions here and my vote is for "Computer System Organisation' by Morris Mano.


free computer architecture book by sima d

Could anyone upload the book :
Modern Processor Design - Fundamentals of superscalar processor
By - Shen , Lipasti

any help is gratefully appreciated:|

shen modern processor design solutions

anyone can download free "Computer Organization and Design by David A. Patterson and John Hennessy" here

Added after 7 minutes:

another adress : **broken link removed**

free download computer organization john hayes

An amazing book : Computer Architecture a Quantitative Approach" by Patterson.!!!

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