Computer aided design for vlsi

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Newbie level 5
Jan 6, 2013
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First of all what are the use of CAD for vlsi design and also is there any tools for cad. At what stage we are forced to use this cad for vlsi design.


used in routing stage

CAD tools were in use before the "VLSI" era. We used them
even for trivial SSI logic, just because building something to
see if it works is stupid expensive (and that was then, on
4" projection-aligned wafers using our own mask shop).

How many transistors do you think you're capable of
stringing together, fully functional and error-free, with a
> 95% probability of meeting all the design specs, using
manual analysis and book-keeping?

Who accepts rubylith sheets for wafer fabrication
anymore? We used to store old ones in the CALMA
grotto, long after our ability to print from them had

We used to store old ones in the CALMA grotto, long after our ability to print from them had gone.

True. And later on, we used to store old design tapes in the magtape cabinet, long after our ability to read from them had gone ;-)

After designing new circuit , that must be converted in to layout for implement on Silicon wafer. so every code first converted in to netlist (circuit in terms of delays and wire)
then layout , for Layout design we must go with Physical design tools(CAD tools) like cadance SOC encounter for complex circuit , Virtuoso for custom design , or IC Station

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Floorplan , routing, partition and Pre CTC, Post CTC are done by CAD tools in physical desing

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