Complex Analog/RF/DSP IC design tool?

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Newbie level 4
Mar 17, 2009
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I've a task of design complex ICs, which will use in communication systems like TETRA, and consists of some RF part, bandpass SD-ADC and some digital filters.

And main problem - full top-down design, preferable, without problem connections betwenn tools. Especialy, I guess problems in hierarchical design, when I will need verify circuits of blocks in system bench.

Could anybody help me about preferable set of tools, one of which is Cadence IC?


BigBoss said:
ADS will work..

ADS in what configuration? RFDE or GoldenGate preferable? with taking account, that max freq is 1G, but most of circuits works not high than 10M.

A design may consist of different blocks that are defined by either component model based or behavioural based. To simulate the complete system both definitions should be interpreted by the simulator.
In fact, Cadence Mixed Signal Environment is very suitable for this purpose but in some cases it has some convergence problems and some different troubles.
Therefore, RFDE is more powerful in some difficult problems and it can also be used to verify mixed signal testbenchs.

It's not easy to say "this simulator is the best".. I don't mean that but every simualtor has advantages and disadvantages that should be cheked out before..

Yes. Cadence very good design environment while one works with lumped components ( as is on my design).
But I worry about system simulation, because spectreRF suffer from hidden states, that are being in FIR filters for example.
I am thinking about ADS with Dynamic Link, but don't know how system simulation (Ptolemy) will work with circuits from cadence.
What kind of problem can I meet in this couple of tools?
Does anybody create complex RFIC by this way or may be with help of AWR MWO (by way of exporting/importing netlists)?

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