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compiler of a hex file rdvv

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Jul 19, 2009
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hey members i need help to solve my problem i think expert will help me out in that
i need to know what compiler i must use or software to change the start up name of rdvv transmitter as someone do it in this picture thanks .


What is the controller or processor present in this board which is driving the LCD and as well as the bi-directional synthesizer

its a 16F84a its not my design you can find that on google the original startup is rdvv transmitter someone post dea i need to put my name

You need to use MIKROC compiler for programming this

You need to use MIKROC compiler for programming this

thanks i try but i need something easy did you know what i mean of changing startup name in case of DEA i need eg to put radium98

Is it just the case of changing the display? Then it is very easy but you need to make sure the main function remains same. To retain the function as itself you need the original code which is running on the board right now or atleast you need to know the complete functionality
MikroC is only one of many compilers that could be used but you must realize that a compiler converts source code into a hex file, if you do not have the source code it becomes very difficult.

If you do have the source code - simply change the text and recompile, the new program will use the new name.

If you do not have the source code, you need to read the memory back from the original PIC, locate the old text, replace it with the new text while keeping the length the same, then burn the result back into a PIC. Then hope it doesn't have any integrity verification in the code that you might have violated. Be aware that many PICs are code protected so you can't read their contents back at all.

If you want to use a compiler, MikroC is one option but you can use XC8, SDCC, Wiz-C or several others.

yess betwixt this is exactly what i need and the hex file is not violated its public project and many have change the name at startup and i have made the transmitter with its original name startup and i need to reburn and try to do it i have the hex file and i dont remmber right now exactly if i havd the source code only i need one thing precise me the compiler software because i am not familiar with it i use for burning icprog winpic and picprog :)

The best thing to do is post a link to the source code so we can try to see which compiler or assembler it is written for. Working from a hex file is difficult and it is almost impossible to tell which program was used to create it.



  • 3m.rar
    2.8 KB · Views: 544

That isn't a source file, it's a disassembly of the hex file. The source code will contain the original instructions and label names and will probably contain comments. What you have is the final program 'reverse engineered' back to instructions. It should however re-assemble using MPASM, I will see if it is possible to reconstruct later today.


Well, I can see the this text inside the code:
"Set Frq"

But I can't see anything that says "DEA BROADCAST", is the file you posted from the chip that is showing that message on the LCD?

Try this - no promises, I can't test it without the hardware:



    2.2 KB · Views: 264
Well, I can see the this text inside the code:
"Set Frq"

But I can't see anything that says "DEA BROADCAST", is the file you posted from the chip that is showing that message on the LCD?

Try this - no promises, I can't test it without the hardware:


sorry for the delay finally i found a turkey compiled file .bas can you please now put my name instead of vproje put (radium98} thanks


  • 16x1.rar
    3.1 KB · Views: 289
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Just change the text in the '.bas' file and recompile it.
I'm afraid I have no idea which compiler was used to write the program. I tried the only one I have that works with BASIC language but it gives me errors on almost every line.


betwixt hello
my hands stack in program proton ide and i have opened the .bas with it and i have changed the start up name but now can you tell me how i can compile or save the .bas file to .hex i am a bit confused sure i have saved the new .bas file any clew please thanks

The '.bas' file is just text so you can edit it with any text editor. The program to convert it to '.hex' is called a compiler and there are many different ones which are not compatible. Unfortunately, there is nothing in the .bas file to say which compiler was used. I tried the one from Oshonsoft but that did not work. I also tried GCBASIC but that doesn't work either. See if you can discover which one it was written for.

In your attached file above, when 3m.hex was dissassembled, it shows it contains the text sequence "RADIUM98". Is this what you were trying to get the name changed to? I included the dissasembled .asm file (3m_new.asm) in the zip file below to look at, along with the origional 3m.hex file you uploaded. If this is the name you wanted, it is already in that particular .hex file.

View attachment
FenTrac, I edited the original hex file to change the text to RADIUM98, this is what you have disassembled.

Now the source file is available (it wasn't at first) we are trying to find out which BASIC compiler was used. The only ones I have here are Oshonsoft's and "Great Cow" and it doesn't match their syntax. I always use 'C' for my own programs.

rdw transmitter start up

in an old thread from 2015 that i cannot repost to it i need to thanks all who helped me and i have give him points credits and feedback edaboard was also a helper too
but i dont know from two years till now 2015-2017 i just discoverd that members in that thread help me but it was a miss understand from
my question is was to change the start up of a public hex file of a transmitter to put my name of my little radio helpers in that time put my nickname radium98 and NOT the name i need that is REVE FM and if there is also a place RADIO REVE FM LEBANON
the thread is here and all necessary file inside
betwixt and FenTrac were there active in that thread
my question is inbove video radium98 i want to remove and replace with REVE FM and remove tsa ... and replace with REVE FM LEBANON
anyone can do it for me or can help me what softwares were used to do it
i tried mplab ide and picbasic pro none helped me but the file is picbasic also in the first thread the hex and asm are there thanks you so much
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