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communication system simulation [hlp]

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Full Member level 5
May 11, 2005
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Hello everyone;
Please tell me your opinion about following question:

What is the best software for simulating a communication system? MATLAB, or SIMULINK, or ADS2004, etc.?

AWR VSS since it allows real (baseband), digital, and most of all complex envelope representation of signals. In addition to comm links I have done PLL, AGC, and other circuits. It can also link to Matlab.

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madengr wrote:
AWR VSS since it allows real (baseband), digital, and most of all complex envelope representation of signals. In addition to comm links I have done PLL, AGC, and other circuits. It can also link to Matlab.

What's your opinion about ADS2004 and SIMULINK?
Have you worked with them also?

I used to use Matlab allot but have never used Simulink. I prefer using LabView now over Matlab. Keep in mind that Simulink does not do budget type analysis so it's really meant for signal processing.

I have not used ADS in four years. I have used Microwave Office ever since. The last time I attempted to use Ptolemy (ADS system simulator) it ended in frustration. It was a nightmare to figure out and the documentation was poor. Maybe things have improved since then but I was not impressed. I don't know if the budget analysis is still in Omnisys or if they have combined it into Ptolemy.

VSS is so much better than ADS system simulator. You can get a 1 month demo. Be sure to read the Modeling Guide so you understand how it works. Once you know it is very powerful. You can do end to end comm system simulations, RF budget analysis, signal processing, as well as general time and frequency domain simulations. I have also used it to to feed HSPICE PWL sources. The Testwave equipment interface is very slick. It makes documenting your lab work simple and I also use for programming arb waveforms into signal generators. They have announced some new features for VSS2006 that look pretty good:

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LabView can be a good alternative instead of MATLAB.Especially the skill of integration with hardware by using experiment boards is a very effective fact to choose it. But MATLAB is a classic for engineers.This shouldn't be forgotten.

For lab experimentation I would recommend PhySim **broken link removed**.

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