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Common Centroid Layout of DAC

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Dec 1, 2008
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I am looking for a common centroid layout for a binary weighted DAC and in a thesis online found an arrangement, but I have had a hard time figuring out a pattern in this placement. The figure below is the capacitor array placement and each number in this figure (i= 1, ...9) shows to which capacitor (Ci) each unit cap belongs. I appreciate if someone helps me finding a pattern for this placement, since I want to use this pattern to draw layout for another DAC with different resolution.


In capacitor array a very important is to compensate a parasitic capacitances of connections so sometimes common centroid could produce more drawbacks than "more simple" pattern. In the last (or one before) issue of IEEE Trans. on Comp. Aided Design I found a paper optimising the array of binary cap-dac (unfortunately I don't remember the name of this paper and an author's names also...)

Backing to the showed layout. It's in fact not a clear common centroid, i.e. at the right-top corner the 9bit is not "mingled" enough. The classic common centroid layout You can find in classic paper about current steering DAC from IEEE SSC of **broken link removed**
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Synopsis use something like this

The pattern has the centroid inverse weight (1,2) with guarding (3) and sidebands 4~9

The weighted average improves accuracy from 10 to 12 bits and reduced size improves speed into microwave DAC speeds.

It is like decimating a 1 D filter into 2D space.

In capacitor array a very important is to compensate a parasitic capacitances of connections so sometimes common centroid could produce more drawbacks than "more simple" pattern. In the last (or one before) issue of IEEE Trans. on Comp. Aided Design I found a paper optimising the array of binary cap-dac (unfortunately I don't remember the name of this paper and an author's names also...)

Backing to the showed layout. It's in fact not a clear common centroid, i.e. at the right-top corner the 9bit is not "mingled" enough. The classic common centroid layout You can find in classic paper about current steering DAC from IEEE SSC of **broken link removed**

Tnx Dominik! I agree about the problems that parasitic caps may generate. I will most likely use the approach in the paper you said.

Synopsis use something like this

The pattern has the centroid inverse weight (1,2) with guarding (3) and sidebands 4~9

The weighted average improves accuracy from 10 to 12 bits and reduced size improves speed into microwave DAC speeds.

It is like decimating a 1 D filter into 2D space.

Thanks for your comment! Frankly I could not quite understand what you said. I have not worked with Synopsis products for a while, but as far as I remember they did not have layout drawing software, right?
I also did not get what you meant by guarding, sidebands and also the figure you attached, would you please give me a reference about it?

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