co-pol and cross polarization radiation pattern

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Mar 14, 2008
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cross polarization


Can anyone define the physical meaning of a co and cross polarization radiation pattern of an antenna? What sort of information can be extracted?
After having those patterns can we have a clue if the antenna receives the signal or not for certain polarizations?

cross polarization antenna pattern

co and cross polarizations are measured according to the reference antenna.if your antenna is circularly polarized you need to measure both co and cross gives u the info about polarization if it is RHCP , LHCP or elliptical polarization.

for instance if your transmitting antenna is fed at phi=0 and recieved at phi=0 it is co polarization and if your recieve phi=90 then the polarization measurement would be cross. same applies with the transmitting antenna.

i hope this was a rough idea of what it is like.

sajid mohammed.

co and cross polarization


try read about polarization, this: **broken link removed**

electromagnetic wave have polarization - is it the direction of vector E. The source elmag is antenna. If you have linear polarization, and you have 2 antenna and you set, that first antenna is rotated towards the on 90°second antenna, you measure cross polar.

I hope, that you understand me
cross polarization pattern

Is this in reference to co- and cross-polarization radiation? Or the co- and cross-polarization pattern? If it's the latter, I think it is just referring to the E- and H-planes of the radiation pattern. It's just a way to visualize the 3-d pattern of the antenna.
co-polarization and cross-polarization antenna

I can tell you one example.
In radio astronmy, suppose you want to study pulsars & you know that you will get polarized signal so you have to design accordingly your antenna probes say cross polarized.

Information you are getting is signal now it will depend on your application!! it can be distance or rotation information etc.

Be specific about your application then you can get better feedback.

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