Change the model of a transistor

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Hello everybody

I have the following problem :

I simulated a circuit with the following transistor plvtlp_rf

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it's model is defined in the modelfile by the subckt statement plvtlp_rf

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so far no probleme

the subckt plvtlp_rf uses a bsim4 model, so i wamted to replace it by the
plvtlp_rfpsp subckt wich uses a psp model like in the picture

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so what i did , i created a new transistor cell, by copying the previous one (plvtlp_rfpsp) and gaving it the name plvtlp_rfpsp

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but when i generate the netlist , I still have the plvtlp_rf transistor instead of plvtlp_rfpsp

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what am doing wrong :|:|

all i want to do is to change the model of the transistor !!!!!!!!!!

The netlisting of that particular symbol may be hard coded, if you
can't find an editable "model" property.

You could use an analogLib transistor instead with the proper
model called out, or you could copy the PDK transistor
cell to something appropriate and try to chase down the netlist
procedure and make your own.

Or, you could hijack a similar but unused PDK model and edit
/ substitute its macro (subckt) code.

I think you are right, here is how my property looks like

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I think I will need a work around, thank you for the tips you proposed, I will use one of them

For changing the model of transistor, you would like to use an analog lib transistor instead to proper model called out and hijack a similar to.would

If you use Config file for your schematic, you can simply change the view of transistor from standard to psp.

Did you try to change CDF properties of your device? CIW->Tools->CDF->Edit->lib/device name and change model name...

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