Career advice: move towards mobile

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Newbie level 4
May 4, 2012
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Hi All,

Im 30 years old and at a crossroads of sorts. Since my graduation from EE, I have worked as an RF Design Engineer and am currently working for a semiconductor company as an Applications Engineer. My RF design job was related to RF Transceiver modules for satellites and my current job deals with Cable TV power amplifier products. On the whole I've invested about 6 years into a career in RF which is not getting me where I had wanted to be. I feel the game is in mobile handsets, wireless protocols and networking. Ive tried to get similar positions, RF system eng, apps eng, within semi companies that make chipsets for wireless handset, but the answer almost always seems to be "you dont have experience with wireless/standards/protocols/handset design/etc".

I may be wrong, but I feel that the specificity that exists out there for technical careers is hurting my chances at finding a real growth opportunity within the domain of RF. What can I do to get around this? Would getting a masters help? Would they consider me as a candidate seeing that there may be other candidates who have work experience in wireless as opposed to a course-based masters in the subject? Ive also thought about pursuing a difference line, Comp Sci. for instance, but stop at the thought that that would only buy me a entry level position, after taking almost 2 years to complete, in which case I'd be an entry level guy at age 32!!

I have also thought to do away with the technical side of things and start afresh with getting an MBA.

I guess Im just looking for advice from people who have gone through something similar, who have managed to make the leap into mobile, or who have navigated such a career change. I would really appreciate your input.



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