Can't repair error LVS, Urgent!

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Member level 1
Sep 8, 2006
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Hi everybody!

When I import gds file, I can't see instance name and net name, so I can't repair error. When I place and route with Encounter I see instance name, but I don't know why I can't see it in Vituoso.

What must I do?

I see in Soc_encounter tutorial have " Attach Instance Name" and "Attach Net Name". I don't know how to use it. Please help me!

May you help me, urgent!


i have faced this problem b4, for this u need to make some changes in map file for "TEXT" and additional to that

some setting for streamout command and virtuoso, it goes like this
Step 1: In FE while streamOut use "attachNetName" with any attribute number
streamOut -attachInstanceName 102 -attachNetName 103 <other options>

Step 2: In Virtuoso, map the attributes to the EncouterNetName property using the user defined
property map file section of your PIPO form
Example map file:
-f v
102 inst encInstName
103 path encNetName
103 rect encNetName
103 inst encNetName

With this the net name will show up as property in Virtuoso.

hope this will solve problem, if not contact CADENCE..

Thanks for your reply. I will try

I have the same problem, and I follow your way, but not success. Do anyone know about this problem, please help me

You try repair layer at I think you don't need to know instance name you still can run LVS after place and route. You need to know in out name. I think so

You need to streamin stdcells library along with encounter gds file

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