Can y buffer board get shorted because of bad panel?

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Member level 5
Aug 10, 2016
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salvaged samsung plasma tv from recylce bin ...the panel have miniature *****!!

i was hoping i can fix it(the tv not the panel)

trouble shooting reveals that the problem is in the y-buffer ...the y board tests ok

...looks like the fate is with me ...with an incredible luck i find yet another plasma in recycle bin and of an identical model

i find all boards has been removed by another tech (maybe) but the y-buffer is there

i quickly got the y buffer ...the problem that it was full of dust dirt and tiny rust

i started cleaning it with thinner solution and brushing it with tooth brush to cleanse all the rust and dust away

after the job is done i installed the buffer in tv and i fired up the tv ....and guess what??

the tv worked!! the picture is there ...but it is not sort of "double image " problem

with the word "no signal" appears twice ...

i tried to reset the ribbons ...while the tv is off and when i refire the tv is nothing

i tested and find the buffer got shorted again

from your experience

could the buffer be shorted because of the fact that it has poor connection to the ribbons due to rust

or the bad panel (because of the small *****)is loading down the buffer "but the picture appeared ...smeared yes

...but it was there "

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