Can the GSM module be realized by a FPGA chip?

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Oct 21, 2006
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prices of gsm module in pakistan

Can anybody give me some advice? Thanks a lot.

I googled on the internet but I can not get any valid information about the GSM module realization using a FPGA chip. Only the following link is related to realize GSM modem:
**broken link removed**

Can anybody give me more information about that? Thanks a lot.

i believe that GSM could be realized on an FPGA except for the analog frontend etc.

you see, if its digital, its possible on an FPGA. but a GSM module has analog parts as well. but you cannot realize the analog parts on an FPGA.

i hope this helps

by the way, what are you trying to do?

Can I buy a IC to realize the analog parts and let the FPGA do the digital parts? I want to build a system based on the FPGA chip to send/receive sms.

yes, that might be a possibility. but I cannot advise on the ICs you should be looking for.

be warned that GSM is a very complex system and you might need to do a lot of homework before you actually start to design your own GSM module.

and by the way, why do you want to design a whole GSM module yourself just to send and receive sms?

I want to build a simple mobile phone based on a FPGA chip. I want to choose a FPGA with the PPC embedded and then I can install linux OS. But I am not sure about whether I can build the GSM module based on FPGA chip. If not, I have to buy the GSM module and it will cost me around $100 USD. I think it's expensive.

i would recommend you to spend the $100!

the cost of the FPGA kit + EDK (for the PPC) + cores + everything else would be much greater than the $100

The cost of only the GSM module is $100. I don't know the price of the development kit.
samcheetah, Can you suggest some books about building GSM module? Thanks.

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