Can i do this with FPGA or any others????

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Newbie level 2
Aug 16, 2008
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I would like to ask whether the scenario below can be achieved by FPGA or any others????

I have 5 inputs with different voltage level:
1.constant 12V.
2.constant 5V.
3.alternating 0V and 5V (clock)
4.random 0V and 5V (data)
5.constant 0V (ground)

there will be some control input to control the operation of the IC.

and then i need more than 20 output.

each of the 5 input will be connected to any of the output pin. And they need to be connected simultaneously.

Input is typical i.e. power, control and data. You can have any number of output. Depends upon what you implement in FPGA (I suppose you'll use Verilog/VHDL).

>each of the 5 input will be connected to any of the output pin. And they need to be >connected simultaneously.
I think this is not complete statement. If each of the input is directly connected to each of the output pin, that would be a wrong circuit unless there is some control mechanism (MUX), to decide which input will be fed to output at any given time.

Owh... thanks man.... actually i never touched FPGA previously.

anyway... i still have some doubt....
-is the 12V thingy done-able???? cause it's not a normal TTL voltage, i can just like make a "bridge" between input and output? will the IC burned because of overvoltage?
-Yeah, i need direct connection, i don't want any multiplexer in the program.
-can you please give me some direction on how i can start on this project like pointing some reference?

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