Can human body produce electronics effect?

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Jul 17, 2006
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electronics in human body

Can human body produce electronics effect. I found yes. Please give your suggestions.

i dont understand what you exactly mean by electronics effect???? can u be specific???

It the method of passing eletrons in human body

THe question is vague.

The human body is controlled by electical signals, (this is why electric shocks are bad for us). Neural interractions are just electric charges etc.

without the flow of electrons there would be no sensation... the brain is an wonderful system which mainly relies on this and how do u suppose our brain stores and retrieves stuff...

do u want any transducer which give current or voltages with touch of human body?

It is believed that the sensation is not of the flow of electrons and it is of neurons only.

k... then what method do u suggest by which neuron sends signals to the brain...

The neuron transmits electrical signals by the movement of ions.

It is know effect when people with metal parts in a body may receive radio signals from the air. For example metal tooth sometimes allow to hear music from radio waves. It is understandable effect.

Yah basically all the communication between all human parts and with inside the brain is in electrochemical form (due to ions inside the neuron and in chemical neurotransmitters at the junctions of neurons). these signal are infact repeated, processed etc by the neuron.
i was having my MS thesis in "Brain implants for artificial neuroprosthesis"

do u mean ion move through the body.... i was having the view that the electrons move through ions rather than the whole ion itself...

Correct me if i'm wrong...

ions are entities which carry charges. The neurons transmit electrical impulses and this can be carried through ionic effect.

ions does not exactly move through the whole course but they move across the membrane of neurons (just like a wave in the sea where the whole water may not move but the effect propagates till to the shore and then back.

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