Newbie level 3

I am working on project of IR obstacle detector using AVR (ATTiny13)
i need code for following flowchart!
Details :
1 IR LED (always on)
1 common led (on for 5 sec when TSOP = 1)
1 buzzer (on for 5 sec when TSOP = 1)
TSOP 1738 as IR sensor o/p =1 when IR detected
Frequency of ATtiny 1MHz internal
View attachment MY FLOW.bmp
initialization of i/o
3 port bits output
1 port bit input
____> check if <____NO_(wait for TSOP =1___
| TSOP=1
| |
| | YES
| \/
| on LED
| on Buzzer
| for 5 sec.
I am working on project of IR obstacle detector using AVR (ATTiny13)
i need code for following flowchart!
Details :
1 IR LED (always on)
1 common led (on for 5 sec when TSOP = 1)
1 buzzer (on for 5 sec when TSOP = 1)
TSOP 1738 as IR sensor o/p =1 when IR detected
Frequency of ATtiny 1MHz internal
View attachment MY FLOW.bmp
initialization of i/o
3 port bits output
1 port bit input
____> check if <____NO_(wait for TSOP =1___
| TSOP=1
| |
| | YES
| \/
| on LED
| on Buzzer
| for 5 sec.