Can an 8bit PIC perform an FFT?

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Newbie level 3
Mar 14, 2010
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I have an 8-bit PIC18 connected to an LCD screen. I was wondering if it's possible to get the PIC to do an FFT on a signal with around 160 samples. As in, is the hardware fast enough?

I think you are pushing to the limit.....
I did use PIC18F252 with a Goertzel algorithm (kind of simplified and fast version of FFT because you specified which frequencies you are interest in) for 64 samples and had an LED matrix display that was very hard (because of speed)to have updated properly .


As in, is the hardware fast enough?
Strictly spoken, without contradicting timing specifications, it will be surely fast enough. Memory is rather an issue, but
should be still sufficient.

If you are targeting to a realtime spectrum display (you should tell then), a PIC24 or dsPIC is most likely the better choice.

just as a reminder, don't forget this old example of real time audio spectrum with a pic ... 17c !!!!

**broken link removed**


I have an 8-bit PIC18 connected to an LCD screen. I was wondering if it's possible to get the PIC to do an FFT on a signal with around 160 samples. As in, is the hardware fast enough?

In order to reply to your question, we also have to know the characteristics of
your signal. Any 8-bit microcontroller can compute a 4096-point FFT if it has
enough time to do it. Even a 4-bit device.

Now tell us the sampling frequency of your signal, tell us if it has to be done
in real-time (sample acquisition while computing the last trunk), tell us the
size of the FFT (160 is not an option, you have to choose a power of 2,
or even a power of 4 if you work in radix 4).

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