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Calculation of Inductance of a coil around rod

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
May 8, 2013
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Hello all,
I have designed a coil around a ferrite rod. I need to calculate the inductance of the coil. I have taken two wires from the two faces of the coil and gave them to the face of the box as lumped port. The design of the coil is shown below.


The result of the parameter values are

s:1:1 Y:1:1 z:1:1

Freq 101.4 kHz 1:1(1 , 180) 234.16.-90 0.0042705,90

How can I calculate Inductance of the coil from this. Thank you in advance.

I presume, you have already heard how inductance, frequency and inductive resistance (reactance) are related.

The other question is, if your inductor is so small and the core permeabiliy is so low that a value of about 6.5 nH can be expected. Or if it's just an erroneous simulation setup. (There are some indications in your various same topic posts)

What are coil diameter, length, number of turns (apparently 10), core µr?
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Hello FvM,
Thanks for responding, actually I need to design an inductor as shown above with 247 uH of inductance and later give resonance with a capacitor of 10 nF. This is my coil set up

The coil diameter is 1mm,
Length 300 mm,
No.of coil turns 60
and the Ferrite core µr is 1000.
Can you tell me how can Inductance can be calculated, thanks in advance.

Yes diameter of wire, actually mentioned above diameter is a rough calculation it can be change to 1-3mm it is not so perticular.
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In other words, I was asking for the coil diameter.

For the air core inductor, you can use a popular web calculator as a reference.
It gives e.g. 5.7 µH for 22 mm coil diameter

An axisymmetric simulation with core gives about 350 µH. (20 mm core, 22 mm mean coil diameter)

How to calculate inductance when a ferrite core is placed which has some relative permitivity????? How can this found in HFSS using the parameter (S, Y and Z) values practically????

You need at least an 2.5-D AC-magnetic solver for an accurate simulation. HFSS should be able to it (not my tool), but apparently you did it wrong.

As I already mentioned, coil Z can be directly converted in inductance, Y is just the reciprocal value as you should have realized by looking at the numbers. S11 can be also converted to impedance, but you have too few factional digits to see it in your result. All numbers in post #1 are void because the simulation is obviously wrong.

Hi FvM and everyone, can you help me?

I have a helical coil with open end and short end as showed below.

For helical coil, we need to take into account the stray capacitance of coil.

So, how can I have the value of L and C, separately, using HFSS


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